Public Meeting: The Future of Canberra Airport and Impacts for the Community (30 April 2009)

Public Meeting: The Future of Canberra Airport and Impacts for the Community (30 April 2009)

Shane Rattenbury, ACT Greens MLA for Molonglo, invites members of the public to attend a community forum to hear about the recently released 2009 Preliminary Draft Master Plan for the airport and discuss issues raised by the community about the plan.

When: Thursday, April 30th 2009, Time: 6.00 -8.00pm
Reception Room, ACT Legislative Assembly, Civic Square


  • Noel McCann: Canberra International Airport
  • Jenni Savigny and Geoff Willans: Curfew 4 Canberra

Canberra International Airport has recently released its 2009 Master Plan which outlines the vision for the airport, which includes a more than doubling of passenger numbers over the next 20 years, as well as a proposal for a 24-hour freight hub and the possible use of Canberra Airport as a second airport for Sydney.

Community group Curfew 4 Canberra have proposed an 11pm-6am curfew be implemented at Canberra Airport. The draft Master Plan released by the Canberra Airport is open to public comment until 8th May 2009. An earlier version of the Master Plan in 2008 was not approved by the Federal Minister, due in part to community concerns not being adequately addressed.

If you would like to find out more about the future plans for the Airport and its impacts, we would encourage you to attend and put questions directly to the speakers.

If you are unable to attend, but would like to make a submission on the Preliminary Draft Master Plan, go to

Comments must be submitted in writing to Canberra Airport, Brindabella Business Park, Canberra Airport, 2609 OR

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