Upcoming review of Pedestrian and Cycling infrastructure for Civic/City

Upcoming review of Pedestrian and Cycling infrastructure for Civic/City

Pedestraian Cycling Study location - City
Study area for review of the pedestrian and cycling infrastructure

Territory and Municipal Services logoThe Department of  Territory and Municipal Services have appointed external consultants Cardno to conduct a review of the pedestrian and cycling infrastructure within the ACT and in particular in the Civic centre, as shown in the diagram attached.

TAMS will be discussing  with the North Canberra Community council what is  seen as positives and negatives with pedestrian and  cycle facilities within the Civic centre and as such TAMS will be organising a workshop in the coming weeks.

Whilst the North Canberra Community Council does not have full details of the consultation process yet, we encourage members of the community to flag their interest in participating via our Contact Us page

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