ACT Governmrent Gaming Machine Review – submissions sought (closing 17 July 2009)

ACT Governmrent Gaming Machine Review – submissions sought (closing 17 July 2009)

ACT Government LogoThe ACT Government is considering implementing a scheme to provide for the reallocation of gaming machines in order that they can be spread equitably across the Territory so that people in all residential areas, including in future areas such as Molonglo, would have access to a local club and its community services. The Government has also decided to consider options to reduce the number of gaming machines in the ACT.

The ACT Government is seeking submissions from stakeholders and interested members of the community on options for the reallocation scheme and reduction of the gaming machine cap.

Submissions will assist the Government in forming its preferred options for the reallocation and reduction of gaming machines.  Any regulatory or legislative amendments will have to be approved by the Legislative Assembly.

Submissions may address the issues covered in the Discussion Paper (refer to link below) or other related issues that the respondent considers appropriate.

There is no set structure for submissions and participants may comment on any matter they consider relevant to the topic. This could range from a short letter outlining your views on the topic to a more substantial document covering a range of issues. Where possible, you should provide data and/or references to support your views.

Submissions by email are preferred. However, submissions can also be accepted by post or fax. Track changes, editing marks, hidden text and internal links should be removed from submissions before sending.

Submissions for the consultation are to be forwarded to be received by close of business on Friday 17 July 2009.

Submissions should be addressed to the following:


Mail: Gaming Machine Review
ACT Department of Treasury
GPO Box 158
Canberra ACT 2601
Fax: 02 6207 0267

For further information relating to this review or about the process, you may contact either Ms Melanie Hay on telephone 02 6205 7165 or Mr Eric Swan on telephone 02 6207 9016.

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