The Chronicle: Terminal underway as master plan ticked off

The September 1 2009  edition of the  Chronicle ran a story written by Rebecca Thisleton reporting on the approval of the master plan for Canberra Airport and the serious concerns that residents have as the Airport evolves. Curfew4Canberra was critical of the decision-making process, as Ms Savigny said there had never been any health assessment to measure the level of sleep disturbance that would occur with jet freighters generating noise throughout the night. “If Airservices Australia believes that they can find ways to minimise aircraft noise at night then this should have been part of the community consultation, not something …

ACT Government aware of negative impacts from Airport freight hub development

The ABC News is reporting that ACT Government expressed strong concerns in its submission to the Canberra Airport Draft Masterplan about the impact that a 24/7 freight hub would have in terms of impact on the community. Submission outlines ACT Govt’s airport fears The ACT Government says it is unclear how Canberra Airport’s role as a 24-hour freight hub will affect the quality of life in nearby suburbs.

Dickson Centre Planning Project – Community Information Session (8 September 2009)

ACTPLA has engaged external consultants Purdon Associates to manage the Dickson Centre Planning Project. The study will guide future urban planning in the Dickson centre. It will include consultation with the community, community groups, business representatives and other stakeholders to develop a vision for the future of centre. The public are invited to attend a community information session at the Dickson shops on Tuesday 25 August 2009 (any time between 4.00pm and 7.00pm). This information session provides you with the opportunity to drop by and have your say on the draft vision developed at the earlier Dickson vision workshop. Community …

Canberra Airport Master Plan approved: Aircraft noise a noted issue

ABC News Online and iPrime Canberra are reporting that today (28 August 2009) the Federal Minister for Transport, Anthony Albanese, has approved the Canberra Airport’s Master Plan including the establishment of a 24 hour freight hub. However it has been clearly noted, that despite the Canberra Airport claims and protestations otherwise, noise remains a significant issue that needs to be addressed. The ABC article clearly articulates that the Minister’s position. The Minister has formally  has acknowledged that Aircraft noise remains a major issue and action will need to be taken to address the problem as it grows: The Infrastructure Minister …

Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 28 August 2009

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link: The latest development applications lodged for the North Canberra area and open for comment include:

Chronicle: Redundant by 2026 – $250 million traffic solution

The August 25 2009  edition of the  Chronicle ran a story written by Rebecca Thisleton reporting on the proceedings at the August meeting of the North Canberra Community Council where the Majura Parkway was discussed. Greens Member for Molonglo Shane Rattenbury said the Majura Parkway was the wrong starting point for easing traffic snarls in the inner north. “Somehow we’ve ended up locked into this vast, 100 kilometre-per-hour road, and I don’t understand why this has been the option selected when you could have the existing 80 kilometre-per-hour road duplicated, it would not require the millions and millions of dollars …

Invitation to comment: Inquiry Into RZ3 and RZ4 Residential Development Policies (closing 16 October 2009)

The Standing Committee on Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services invites interested individuals and organisations to prepare a submission to an inquiry into RZ3 and RZ4 residential development policies – Inner North Canberrat. The Committee will be evaluating issues related to the RZ3 (Urban) and RZ4 (Medium Density) residential redevelopment policies applying in north Canberra along the major transport corridor of Northbourne Avenue and surrounding areas. The Committee will also look at the broader issues of demand for higher density developments, development along transport routes, implications for housing affordability, the influence of redevelopment policy on reducing overall travel, …