Walter Burley Griffin Society: submission in relation to the ASIO complex on Constitution Avenue

The North Canberra Community Council has obtained permission from the Walter Burley Griffin Society Inc, to republish their submission on the new ASIO building on Constitution Avenue (previously known as the “Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts Commonwealth New Building Project.”)

Understanding ACTPLA's community engagement and consultation role

There is often much confusion and community disquiet with regard to the notification and consultation on development applications and other general planning processes. To help explain the role of the Authority, ACTPLA have produced “The Community Engagement Guide” which clearly outlines outlines ACTPLA’s role in notifying development applications and explains when and how they consult with the community.

Public submissions with regard to Majura Parkway Draft EIS now available online.

ACTPLA has made available public submissions in regard to the Majura Parkway – Draft Environmental Impact Statement. To access these submissions click on the following link to the ACTPLA Draft Environmental Impact Statement webpage and scroll down to towards the bottom of the page (NOTE: there is no shortcut to jump directly to the submissions!).

Canberra Times: QIC airs $350m proposal for Civic

On Saturday 1 August 2009, the Canberra Times ran an article alleging that QIC, owners of the Canberra Centre, had been land-banking prime real estate in the City. QIC have subsequently revealed  plans for a $350million mixed-use development including a tower of apartments facing Cooyong Street. [googlemaps,157.52,,0,-4.41&cbll=-35.276122,149.132315&v=1&panoid=&gl=au&hl=&w=425&h=240]

Invitation to Comment: Ainslie park name proposal at Block 2 Section 87 (closing 28 August 2009)

ACTPLA (ACT Place Names Section) is seeking your views on a proposal to name the park bounded by Rutherford Crescent and Officer Crescent in Ainslie, Bill Pye Community Park (see map right), commemorating Mr TTW (Bill) Pye MBE. Bill Pye was a resident of Ainslie from 1946; he was an outstanding citizen who was extensively involved in his community. He served with the Australian Military Forces from the outbreak of World War II and then with the United States Forces, seeing action in New Guinea and the Philippines, returning to Australia in 1946.

Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 31 July 2009

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link: The latest development applications lodged for the North Canberra area and open for comment include: