ACT adapting to climate change

On 21 May the ACT Government has released Adapting to a changing climate: Directions for the ACT (PDF, 1.3 MB). The paper addresses the impact of climate change on health and wellbeing, disaster and emergency management, settlements and infrastructure, water, natural resources and ecosystems and agriculture. At the launch, Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development Simon Corbell explained that the Government would consult with the community later this year on an adaptation strategy, focusing on Community health and wellbeing, Disaster and emergency management, Settlements and infrastructure, Water, Natural resources and ecosystems and Agriculture. Professor Barbara Norman explained that we …

Auditor-general Maxine Cooper calls for tighter planning controls, greater monitoring of certifiers

ACT auditor-general Maxine Cooper is calling for tighter planning processes after finding some houses built in Canberra should not have been approved. Mike Hettinger from the North Canberra Community Council wants to see stronger checks by planning authorities on building projects listed as exempt. Under the current planning system, a house can be built in an existing residential area without development approval, provided a private building certifier checks it complies with certain rules. After examining seven case studies, Dr Cooper found that two of the houses should not have been approved. Dr Cooper says monitoring of certifiers was inadequate. Read …

Agenda: North Canberra Community Council meeting 21 May

The next meeting of the North Canberra Community Council is to be held at 7.30pm at ACT Sports House, 100 Maitland Street, Hackett. Agenda GUEST PRESENTATIONS Rebecca Stockley of Knight Frank: residentially led  mixed use development of 4-10 Cape Street (Blocks 4, 6, 15 and 16 Section 34 Dickson) Jane Easthope, CEO, Canberra CBD Limited: discussion of website, blogs, Development Applications, car parking, planning etc.

Updated Agenda: North Canberra Community Council meeting 16 April ’14

The next meeting of the North Canberra Community Council is at 7.30pm at ACT Sports House, 100 Maitland Street, Hackett on 16 April 2014. GUEST PRESENTATION/S Dickson Woolworth’s car park (Block 21 Section 30 Dickson) Coles supermarket, speciality retail and residential development. – Rebecca Stockley of Knight Frank. Capital Metro: Emma Thomas (Project Director) and Ben Smith (Director, Communications and Stakeholder Engagement). Shane Rattenbury: Planning and Development (Project Facilitation) Amendment Bill 2014.