Video: Shane Rattenbury addresses North Canberra Community Council 16 June 2015.

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Justice, Sport and Recreation, and Minister Assisting the Chief Minister on Transport Reform, Shane Rattenbury addresses the 16 June 2015 meeting of the North Canberra Community Council. Topics include Haig Park, Sullivan’s Creek, Canberra City Farm, Lyneham Food Forest, Dickson shops, Lyneham neighbourhood oval, Minister’s call-in powers, road classification, greenhouse impacts of light rail, age friendly suburbs, nature strips.

Simon Corbell addresses North Canberra Community Council 19 May 2015

Australian Capital Territory Deputy Chief Minister, Attorney-General and Minister for Health, the Environment and Capital Metro Simon Corbell discusses Canberra’s progress toward sustainability, including renewable energy policies, energy efficiency policies and the Capital Metro project, and answers questions including: * How does the Government plan to meet its 2012 election commitment of a 10.5% public transport journey-to-work mode share by 2016? * How does the government plan to maintain the current level of public transport provision after the light rail? – In particular, direct services that currently use the light rail route, but after light rail will require connections between …

Simon Corbell to address North Canberra Community Council

Simon Corbell, Deputy Chief Minister, Attorney-General and Minister for Health, the Environment and Capital Metro, will address the North Canberra Community Council meeting from 8.15pm to 9.15 pm on Tuesday May 19 at the Majura Function Room Majura Community Centre, 2 Rosevear Place Dickson. He will discuss Canberra’s progress toward sustainability, including renewable energy policies, energy efficiency policies and the Capital Metro project.