Agenda/Next Meeting Wednesday 15 May 2013

North Canberra Community Council will be hosting Tony Gill, Director of Roads ACT at our forum this Wednesday May 15. Tony has been involved in discussions with many community organisations over the years in an attempt to improve traffic flow and safety in neighbourhoods across Canberra. If you think that there is a serious problem in your suburb which might require traffic calming measures or infrastructure improvements then come along and discuss this with us.

Next NCCC Forum Wednesday 21 November 2012

The final North Canberra Community Council forum for this year will be held on Wednesday 21 November. We have invited a guest speaker from Telstra to talk to us about the roll out of ADSL 2+ to North Lyneham, Downer and Watson residents.   Following on from this an ACTPLA representative will be briefing the meeting on Technical Amendment 2012-06.


North Canberra residents are invited to our final Election Forum at 7.30pm on Wednesday 17 October, at Pilgrim House, corner of Northbourne Ave. and Rudd St., Civic. All parties have been invited. Labor’s Simon Corbell, Greens’ Shane Rattenbury and Caroline Lecouteur and the Motorists Party’s David Cumbers have confirmed that they will attend. The Forum will be chaired by ABC radio presenter Louise Maher. Parties’ responses to our questions on governance, town planning, community consultation, the ABC flats redevelopment, transport and road safety can be viewed on our website

AGM 2012

We will be holding our Annual General Meeting a month early to avoid the ACT Election in October this year. As always, you are all welcome to attend. All committee positions are open for nomination. If you wish to nominate, please contact any of the committee members at who will send out a nomination form for you to complete. Our guest speaker this year will be Jane Goffman, of Planwise ACT. She will be speaking on her knowledge of ACT-wide planning matters and town planning. Some will already know Jane from her community activism in Dickson. Click for agenda