Pre-election Forum

ACT Liberal election Candidates for Molonglo will attend the third North Canberra Community Council pre-election forum, at 7.30pm on Wednesday 15 August, at ACT Sports House, 100 Maitland Street, Hackett. Candidates will discuss issues affecting North Canberra. Following the election forum, Ross Triffitt of Tennis ACT will explain the redevelopment proposal for the National Sports Club in Lyneham. We will also consider the Dickson Master Plan, redevelopment plans for Pialligo and the Downer Centre, and the Wood Heaters Amendment Bill. All North Canberra residents welcome.

Pre-election Notices

NCCC will be conducting its final meeting with Molonglo electoral candidates on Wednesday 17 October. Other Community Councils in the ACT with suburbs in the Molonglo electorate have planned the following pre-election meetings with candidates. For times and venues refer to the websites listed 

NCCC Public Forum Wednesday 18 July 2012

The North Canberra Community Council will host a public forum at 7:30 on Wednesday 18 July, at ACT Sports House, 100 Maitland Street, Hackett. ACT Greens Candidates for Molonglo will attend to talk about issues affecting North Canberra residents and to answer questions from the floor from 7:30 to 8:15. A committee meeting to conduct business will follow from 8:15 to 9:30. The NCCC committee has formed a set of questions for the candidates to read prior to the meeting…

NCCC Public Forum Wednesday 20 June

The North Canberra Community Council will host a public forum at 7.30pm on Wednesday 20 June, at ACT Sports House, 100 Maitland Street, Hackett. Chief Minister Katy Gallagher and the Labor Candidates for Molonglo will attend to talk about issues affecting North Canberra residents and to answer questions. This forum is the first of a pre-election series which will be sponsored by the NCCC. Cathy Hudson, Deputy Director of the Economic Development Directorate, will also provide an update on the Downer Centre redevelopment. All North Canberra residents are welcome.

Update – NOTICE & AGENDA for NCCC AGM 2011

Date: Wednesday, 16 November 2011 Time: 7:30 Venue: ACT Sport House, 100 Maitland, Street Hackett Our guest speakers for the 2011 NCCC AGM will be Sherry McArdle-English and Frank van de Loo, who are primary producers (truffle farming and vineyard) at the northern end of Majura Valley. They will be talking about their experiences on the land and opportunities to expand primary production in Majura Valley. This is a topic dear to the heart of NCCC as it feeds into local healthy food production, and has the potential to make the ACT less reliant on food imports.