Details of Next Meeting 21 February 2018

At the February meeting of the North Canberra Community Council we will have a presentation by Diane Bray and Kate Dawson from Common Ground who may be taking occupancy of part of Section 72. Common Ground has established a facility for homeless and low income people in Gungahlin and as announced by the government their next project will be part of the Section 72 developments. Diane and Kate will tell us about what Common Ground is doing and their hopes and aspirations for the future. We will also be hearing from Anna McGuire – Environment Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate, …

Next Meeting – 18 Oct 17

IMPORTANT: NCCC AGM 18 October. The AGM will launch with a National Water Week focus, and we’ll hear from Sam Sachse, Chief Financial Officer of Icon Water, and John Feint, EPSDD Senior Policy Officer for Catchment Management and Water Policy.