Invitation to comment: The ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy 2010–2014 (closing 28 February 2010)

Invitation to comment: The ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy 2010–2014 (closing 28 February 2010)

The ACT Government has commenced a phase of community consultation to further the development of the draft ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy 2010-2014 the ACT’s next Drug Strategy and is currently seeking community input and comment.


Most people in the ACT enjoy the benefits of good health; as a community we are generally very healthy and active and avoid risky behaviour.

The ACT Government has developed and implemented strategies to promote respect for human rights, social cohesion, social inclusion, equity of opportunity, access to justice, and physical safety. While the achievements are many, the Government has not lost its focus on those who continue to suffer disadvantage, including people who are affected by the harms caused by alcohol and other drugs.

The draft ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy 2010-2014 replaces its 2004-2008 predecessor and has been developed to this point in consultation with the ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy Implementation and Evaluation Group that is representatives of the community sector and ACT Government agencies charged with overseeing the implementation and evaluation of the predecessor Drug Strategy and with input from key stakeholders in the ACT’s alcohol and other drug sector.

The draft ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy 2010-2014 is underpinned by Harm Minimisation a comprehensive approach to drug-related harm involving a balance between demand reduction, supply reduction and harm reduction. The draft Strategy has retained the previously successful whole of government approach and its 57-point draft Action Plan aims to build upon the successes achieved to date across Government and related sectors.

Download a copy of the draft Strategy

Two documents are available for download. The first is the complete draft Strategy and the second is a three-page summary of the draft Strategy.


The consultation period runs from 28 November 2009 to 28 February 2010.

The ACT Government invites individuals and organisations to consider the draft Strategy and to engage with its development by lodging a submission.

A response will be sent for all submissions received during the consultation period. All submissions will be considered in the ACT Government’s finalisation of the Strategy and unless requested otherwise submissions may be published on the ACT Health website. The outcomes of the community consultation phase will be summarised and also published on the ACT Health website:

How to lodge your submission

Submissions should be marked “Drug Strategy”, and sent to ACT Health by 28 February 2010 by:



Drug Strategy
ACT Health Policy Division
GPO Box 825
Canberra ACT 2601


Alcohol and other drug treatment and support services in the ACT

If you’re concerned about your use of alcohol and/or other drugs, or that of a friend or family member, information about the ACT’s treatment and support services is available from the following website.

  • ACT AOD Services Directory

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