North Canberra Community Council

AINSLIE Development Application: 201120212 Address: 35 BONNEY STREET Block: 11 Section: 36

Proposal: NONR-COMMERCIAL. Change existing approved ground floor block I, commercial office tenancy to 2 residential units. Associated changes to elevations, landscaping, courtyards, basement parking and storage. Period for representations closes: 12/08/2011 Click here to view the plans

Supermarket Planning Policy

Recent articles just published in The Canberra Times reveal the extent to which the flawed ACT Goverment supermarket policy apparently led to a review of the ACT public service and its outcome: the present directorate structure. As reported earlier, developments at the Canberra International Airport with the advent of Costco and Woolworths have exposed the impotence of the ACT Government in attempting to promote supermarket competition. The ACT Government ignored previous Productivity Commission and Australian Competition and Consumer Commision studies in the construction of the policy and managed to earn the flack of the ACTPLA chief executive.

Living a Healthy Life with Long-Term Conditions

A long-term condition is any condition that lasts more than six months and has slow changes. Some examples are diabetes, asthma, arthritis, heart disease, cancer and chronic pain. Many people live with long-term conditions that impact on their lives physically, socially and emotionally.  Click for further information on a free six week course organised by Arthritis ACT

Questions remain over disused grounds

There are currently 19 neighbourhood ovals and three district playing fields sitting idle at the same time as experts rue the lack of safe and affordable sportsgrounds to assist in helping maintain healthy communities. The ACT Government intends to review the status of these potential sportsgrounds on a year-by-year basis. At current rates some communities could be waiting up to 6 or more years before their ovals and fields are given a red or green light for rejuvenation. Two of these (Lyneham and Watson) are in north Canberra. Can we really afford to have ovals sitting idle in areas with …