North Canberra Community Council

Next Committee Meeting – 19 Feb 20

On 19 February 2020, the full committee of the North Canberra Community Council will meet for the first time under its new constitution, which stipulates an alternation of monthly General or Council Meetings and Public Meetings with presentations. This first meeting will deal with Machinery of Governance matters and brief presentations of issues, concerns and plans by the representatives of individual residents’ and community associations across North Canberra. Members of NCCC are welcome to attend this meeting.

Successful appeal at ACAT

The ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal has varied the conditions of approval of a Northbourne Avenue development. As a result of an appeal brought by the North Canberra Community Council, the Tribunal ordered changes to the conditions that apply to the proposed development. The changes include reducing building heights, increasing on-site parking and increasing solar access. The tribunal also acknowledged that broader traffic issues “cannot be properly addressed by looking at one development, or even one street, but needs a broader approach.” The tribunals’ decision is at