North Canberra Community Council

Search Results for: traffic

Canberra Times: Stanhope says fatality highlights road need

On 21 September 2009, Canberra Times journalist David Stockman, the Canberra Times police reporter, wrote a story with comments from the ACT Chief Minister insisting that the recent fatality was further justification of the need to expedite the building of the Majura Parkway. The North Canberra Community Council accepts that there is a need for the upgrade of the Road to Dual Carriageway for both safety and traffic capacity issues. However the council has rejected outright the need for the realignment of the road due to the severe environmental impacts this will have.

Crimestoppers: Fatal collision; Majura Road – Majura (19 September 2009)

ACT Policing’s Collision Investigation and Reconstruction Team are investigating the circumstances surrounding a fatal collision which occurred on Majura Road around 7am today (September 19). Witness accounts from the scene indicate a tipper truck towing a dog-trailer carrying gravel was travelling north on Majura Road, when a four-wheel-drive travelling in the opposite direction, at high speed, crossed onto the wrong side of the road colliding with the truck.

FoMM: Mount Majura Horehound Blitz (20 September 2009)

In this working bee the Friends of Mount Majura will tackle a horehound infested area between two major re-vegetation sites, the National Tree Day 2009 planting area and the drainage line planted with local shrubs to assist the establishment of a wildlife corridor. They hope to achieve some weed free passages between the plantings sites to reduce the spread of seeds by pedestrian traffic. The long term goal is to remove horehound from the whole area which will benefit native revegetation.

ACT Government aware of negative impacts from Airport freight hub development

The ABC News is reporting that ACT Government expressed strong concerns in its submission to the Canberra Airport Draft Masterplan about the impact that a 24/7 freight hub would have in terms of impact on the community. Submission outlines ACT Govt’s airport fears The ACT Government says it is unclear how Canberra Airport’s role as a 24-hour freight hub will affect the quality of life in nearby suburbs.

Invitation to comment: Lyneham Sports Precinct Master Plan (closing 11 September 2009)

The ACT Department of the Territories and Municipal Services (Sports and Recreation Services Section) is inviting Canberrans to comment on the future of the Lyneham Sports Precinct revised Master Plan. This revised Master Plan includes: covering the storm water drain that currently divides the area to make the usable area larger and more connected better access through an internal road network, including major entry points more parking and better traffic management which will be important on major event days. [youtube]Ldt3py46Y5o&rel=0&showsearch=1[/youtube]

Hackett: Roads ACT Rules out Pedestrian Crossing on Madigan Street

Over the last couple of years the Hackett Community Association has been discussing with Roads ACT the need for a pedestrian crossing on Madigan Street near the shops. Residents have been concerned about the volume and speed of the traffic on Madigan Street during the morning peak period. This is of particular concern for older residents in the suburb. [googlemaps,206.73,,0,7.05&cbll=-35.247849,149.163348&v=1&panoid=&gl=au&hl=&w=425&h=240]