North Canberra Community Council

BRADDON Development Application: 201019417 Address: 212 NORTHBOURNE AVENUE Block: 3 Section: 3

Proposal: Proposed amendments to DA 201019417 still under consideration- amendments include a lease variation to amend the original clause regarding the number of car parking required for the development. Period for representations closes: 27/06/2011 Click here to view the plans »…

Majura Parkway – Recent Media and Comments

The ACT Government, including both the Labor Party and the Liberal Party, seem hell bent on persisting with planning for a new four-lane Majura Parkway rather than upgrading the existing two lane Majura Road, which is the route favoured by the NCCC and the ACT Greens. The only noise pollution being felt at the moment is endless political squabbling over who will pay what and when. Adding to the mix of public comments is the Gungahlin Community Council, which apparently favours construction of the more costly and environment-damaging Majura Parkway. Recent articles have been published in the Canberra Times and …

Draft variation 306 to the Territory Plan

The ACT Government is seeking public comment on draft changes to the Territory Plan affecting residential estate development, solar access and consolidation of blocks in established suburbs. To explain draft variation 306 the ACT Government have produced a number of fact sheets which are available on its website. Draft variation 306 is available for public comment until COB Tuesday 2 August 2011.

LYNEHAM Development Application: 201119960 Address: FLEMINGTON ROAD Block: 1 Section: 60

Proposal: BLOCK IDENTIFIER ONLY – PUBLIC WORKS – STORM WATER HARVESTING – RECYCLED STORMWATER PIPELINE DICKSON & LYNEHAM TO MITCHELL. Block Identifier Block 1 Section 60 Lyneham; Proposed construction of a new underground stormwater reticulation pipeline network connecting the Dickson and Lyneham Ponds (wetlands) with the existing stormwater ponds in Mitchell; Includes installation of small pump stations and rising mains. Period for representations closes: 14/06/2011 Click here to view the plans &#187…

CITY Development Application: 201119913 Address: 21 LONDON CIRCUIT Block: 2 Section: 3

Proposal: COMMERCIAL-LEASE VARIATION-CONSOLIDATION-ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS-UNI PUB-GARDEN BAR. Proposed consoildation of blocks 2; 12 and 29 section 3 City. Please see application for full details of lease variation. Refurbishment of the existing buildings on blocks 2 and 12 with construction of a new verandah to the west elevation of the first floor over block 29 to used as a garden bar and waste collection building. Period for representations closes: 23/06/2011 Click here to view the plans»…