North Canberra Community Council

ACT Legislative Assembly Media Release: ARE YOU BEING HEARD? Noise Complaints Survey

The following is a media release from the ACT Legislative Assembly – Standing Committee on Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services regarding their current Inquiry into Live Community Events: MEDIA RELEASE ARE YOU BEING HEARD? Noise Complaints Survey Inquiry into Live Community Events

Canberra Times: Revamp of the planning process builds a sound footing

The following editorial was published in the Sunday Canberra Times on 28 March 2010. It discusses how recent changes that have been passed through the ACT Legislative Assembly ensure that development applications are automatically approved 120 days after lodgement and the only avenue of appeal is on matters of law through the Supreme Court. It would appear that this new change to the Act undermines the proposed bill which ACT Greens MLA Caroline Le Couteur was going to table (or may have already attempted to table in late 2009) and the community councils agreed to promote recently. The debate has …

Combined Community Council Motion (for ratification at April 2010 NCCC public meeting)

On Thursday, 18 March 2010, the acting chair of the North Canberra Community Council, Richard Larson attended a combined community councils meeting. This meeting had been called by the Woden Valley Community Council to discuss a draft amendment bill which Caroline Le Couteur MLA intended to table in the Legislative Assembly. The representatives at the meeting agreed to a statement endorsing the intent of the bill. As the NCCC representative, Richard Larson volunteered to forward the statement to the NCCC committee for discussion and move a motion to endorse the statement. This will be an agenda item for discussion at …

NCCC Submission: Transport Impact Assessment Guidelines for the ACT

Reproduced below is the North Canberra Community Council response to the Transport Impact Assessment Guidelines which Aurecon has prepared a summary report for stakeholder consultation. At time of publication of this item the North Canberra Community Council was still seeking clarification from Aurecon on whether this opportunity to provide submissions and comment represented the the end of consultation prior to issuing a recommendation to government, or whether a further public consultation on the guidelines would be offered.

Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 02 April 2010

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link: The latest development applications lodged for the North Canberra area and open for comment include:

Crimestoppers: Three youths arrested after residential burglaries (1 April 2010)

ACT Policing arrested three male youths in O’Connor yesterday afternoon (April 1) after a series of aggravated burglaries in that suburb. Police had obtained descriptions of three teenage males suspected to be responsible for three residential burglaries in O’Connor yesterday. Late yesterday afternoon, a police patrol in Yapunyah Street sighted three males matching those descriptions and carrying backpacks.