North Canberra Community Council

Australian Early Development Index – Public Results Meetings (15 February & 1 March 2010)

The Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) is a national measure of how children are developing in communities at school entry. All ACT kindergarten children were surveyed in 2009 through a teacher completed checklist. Results for communities across Australia are available on the AEDI website. Meetings to share the North Canberra AEDI results with the northside community will be held at Northside Community Services, Rosevaar Place, Dickson on the following dates and times: Monday 15 February 2010 (9.00 to 10.30 am) Monday 1 March 2010 (7.00 to 8.30 pm) All community members interested in children’s development are welcome.

Make Poverty History: Road Trip / Youth Conference 8-14 May 2010

Make Poverty History is on a national search for young leaders passionate about making a difference. This May over 1000 people aged 16-26 will take to the road to MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY. Leaving from every capital city these ambassadors for global change will travel across the country, journeying throughout over 100 different cities and towns. [vimeo]

Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 05 February 2010

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link: The latest development applications lodged for the North Canberra area and open for comment include:

Majura Women's Group: Term 1 – Activity Schedule now available

The Majura Women’s Group (MWG) is a self-run volunteer organisation providing opportunities for women in Canberra at home with young children to meet and participate in stimulating and creative activities. They  operate with assistance from the ACT Government through artsACT, the Office for Children, Youth and Family Support, the Canberra Community Grants Program, and the Community Inclusion Fund (in partnership with Mental Health ACT ) Very low cost high quality childcare is available in the room next to their meeting room. The schedule for this term is now available via their their website:

Legislative Assembly: Discussion Paper to Seek Feedback on Higher Density Residential Development Policies

Today the Standing Committee on Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services released a Discussion Paper on existing residential redevelopment policies in inner north Canberra. The Discussion Paper aims to inform submissions to the Committee’s current inquiry into RZ3 (Urban) and RZ4 (Medium Density) residential redevelopment policies. Discussion Paper is available at (and reproduced at the bottom of this article): The Committee invites interested parties to make a submission on any of the issues raised in the discussion paper or any other issue they consider relevant to the terms of reference of this inquiry.

Canberra Times: Preschool queries funds decision

Given that the school year has commenced, the NCCC thinks that it is appropriate to bring to the communities attention that the following article was published in the Canberra Times December 13 2009. A North Canberra district community based preschool has hit out at ACT Education Minister Andrew Barr for funding a new Catholic preschool over existing community preschools. The article has been reproduced below: