North Canberra Community Council

Crimestoppers: Assistance sought to locate stolen trailer, Ainslie

ACT Policing is investigating the theft of a trailer containing around $60,000 worth of building tools from Ainslie yesterday (Tuesday 2 February). About 7.30am, police were called to a residence in Paterson Street where a blue work trailer with ACT registration was stolen. The owner had last seen the trailer at 5pm Monday (1 February) where it was parked on the nature strip in front of his Ainslie house.

FoMM: February 2010 Newsletter

Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) is a Park Care Group, working in the Mount Majura section of Canberra Nature Park. Some of their activities include:  Monthly weeding parties: removing non-native species by hand, Re-seeding and re-planting: giving local plant species a head start and Conducting walks and talks: sharing our enjoyment of the Nature Park. The February 2010 edition of the Freinds of Mount Majura Newsletter is now available. This edition covers: News from the mountain: of noisy eucalypts, rabbits and survivors Working bee old Ainslie tip – Sunday 7 February FoMM meeting to plan 2010 activities – Sunday 14 …

Community forums on ACT tree management and urban forest renewal (11 & 15 February 2010)

Community members are invited to take part in the Investigation into the Government’s tree management practices and the renewal of Canberra’s urban forest by attending a community forum with the Commissioner to discuss issues of tree management in the ACT on: 6-8.30pm, Thursday 11th February 2010 at Ainslie Football Club, 52 Wakefield Ave, Ainslie; or 6-8.30pm, Monday 15th February 2010 in the Bradman Room at Manuka Oval, Canberra Ave, Manuka.

Have your say on Canberra’s energy future (9 & 16 February 2010)

The ACT Government has recently launched two major discussion papers in the energy sector – the proposal to expand the electricity Feed-In Tariff Scheme and the Draft Sustainable Energy Policy 2010-2020. The Feed-In Tariff discussion paper deals with a possible expansion to include installations beyond the existing capacity limit of 30kW. The draft energy policy sets out a proposed framework for reducing the ACT’s reliance on fossil-fuel powered electricity while making Canberra’s energy supply more secure and sustainable. You are invited to attend the public information sessions to be held on Tuesday 9 February, 7:00pm at the Canberra Southern Cross …

ACT Policing: Hot weather raises home security concerns

Police are again reminding Canberra residents of the need to properly secure their homes and property, particularly at night, following rising rates of property crime in and around the suburbs of Narrabundah, Griffith and Kingston. These crimes include burglaries, attempted stolen motor vehicles and property theft, and are often opportunistic in nature, with offenders choosing targets with the least amount of security or the lowest chance of being detected. Superintendent Kate Buggy from ACTP’s Crime Prevention Team today urged the community to apply simple household security practices to reduce their chances of being targeted.

Canberra Times: Stanhope eyes ACT funds for parkway

The 30 January 2010 edition of the Canberra Times is reporting that the ACT Government has revealed for the first time that it is willing to provide $125 million of the estimated cost to construct the Majura Parkway. It has also revealed that it wishes to redirect the $30 million allocated from Infrastructure Australia to fund the initial portion of the Majura Parkway to other road projects in Fyshwick. There are another seven infrastructure projects in the ACT government’s infrastructure wishlist pitched at Infrastructure Australia. The article has been reproduced berlow:

Multicultural aged care seminars (February-March 2010)

ACT Health invites you to a series of free seminars on issues affecting older people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Seminars on different topics are held regularly and are in English. All interested members of the community are welcome to attend. The Community Partners Programs Officer can arrange for many topics to be presented to any CALD group with an appropriate interpreter if desired.

COTA: Invitation to organise events for Seniors Week (21-28 March 2010)

Have you organised an activity for Seniors Week 2010: March 21 – March 28? Seniors Week will offer literally hundreds of events for the participation of older Canberrans. Many centre on health and wellbeing, others on services to assist people with real-life issues, such as exploring accommodation options in retirement or understanding ones pension. Why not book one of COTA’s free information sessions for your club or social group as your activity?