North Canberra Community Council

ACT Policing: Drivers urged to slow down as school resumes

ACT Policing is reminding motorists to observe the posted speed restrictions around Canberra’s schools as children return to school this week. ACT Policing Traffic Superintendent Mark Colbran says the 40km/h school zones are designed to ensure that motorists are travelling at a speed which allows them to stay observant and stop safely when required, such as at school crossings and bus zones.

Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 29 January 2010

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link:

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act Referral: Nishi Building, Acton

An EPBC Act referral for the The Molonglo Group/Commercial development/Edinburgh Avenue, Canberra City/ACT/NewActon Nishi Building is currently on public notification and open for public comment. The referral documents can be located at the following URL: The Molonglo Group / Commercial development/Edinburgh Avenue, Canberra City / ACT / New Acton Nishi Building – Reference Number: 2010/5336

National Multicultural Festival 2010 (5-7 February 2010)

The National Multicultural Festival 2010 opens on Friday, 5 February 2010 in Garema Place with a spectacular Global Concert staring Deni Hines, Melinda Schneider, Paulini and Emma Donovan. In an Australian debut they will present Mura Wakay — a celebration of Australia’s rich culture and song. All the festival favourites will be presented free in Civic — the Global Concert and Night Markets; the Fyshwick Freshfood Markets Food and Dance Spectacular; the Pacific Island Showcase; Carnival in the City; ActewAGL’s Contact Canberra; the Greek Glendi; ACTTAB Chinese New Year in the City; and India in the City. Get all the …

Crimestoppers: Witnesses sought to aggravated robbery/assault, Acton

ACT Policing is seeking witnesses to an aggravated robbery and assault which occurred in Acton early today (Friday, January 29). Around 5am, the 22-year-old man was assaulted in Childers Street by another man. The victim was struck and kicked several times, causing swelling and lacerations to his face. His wallet and contents as well as his passport were stolen.