North Canberra Community Council

Revised Closing Date: Assembly Inquiry in to RZ3 and RZ4 Residential Development Policies (closing 26 February 2010)

In September 2009 the Standing Committee on Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services extended the closing date for submissions to the Inquiry into Inner North Residential Redevelopment Policies. The revised closing date for submissions is 26 February 2010 . The Committee has been preparing an Issues Paper which will be released shortly to assist individuals and organisations to understand the current Territory Plan provisions around RZ3 and RZ4 zones and other residential development policies related to this inquiry, which may also assist the drafting of submissions.

National Planning Report Card Revealed – ACT Scores poorly with only 6.2/10

Development assessment processes in Australia aren’t making the grade, according to new research from the Residential Development Council and the Property Council of Australia. The Development Assessment Forum Reform Implementation Report Card reveals that Australia underperforms in the delivery of efficient, fair and consistent planning and development assessment systems. These systems are fundamental to the economic wellbeing of the country, and need to effectively deliver housing and key infrastructure if a “Big Australia” is to be achieved. The ‘Report Card’ identifies progress on development assessment reform across the states and the necessary steps that must be taken to fully implement the 10 …

Event: Australia Day in the Park, Commonwealth Park (26 January 2010)

Commonwealth Park will be the place to be on Australia Day with a full program of activities to entertain the whole family right up until 9.30pm. Highlights include the Great Aussie Day Breakfast, Flag Raising and Australian Citizenship ceremonies, the ever popular Children’s Festival featuring the New Dorothy the Dinosaur Show, great live local bands, BMX and skateboarding demonstrations, rides and activities, free jumping castles and face painting, plenty of great Aussie tucker available and to finish off the day with a bang, the Australia Day Fireworks Finale over Lake Burley Griffin. When: Tuesday, 26 January 2010 Time: 5:45 AM to 9:30 PM Where: Commonwealth Park …

Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 22 January 2010

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link: