North Canberra Community Council

Invitation to comment: The ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy 2010–2014 (closing 28 February 2010)

The ACT Government has commenced a phase of community consultation to further the development of the draft ACT Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Strategy 2010-2014 the ACT’s next Drug Strategy and is currently seeking community input and comment.

ACT Policing: 'Party Smart'

ACT Policing is encouraging the Canberra community to party smart and safe this festive season by planning ahead and registering details of their party with police. Superintendent Kate Buggy from ACTP’s Crime Prevention team said that it is important for anyone holding a party to be aware of any potential problems that could arise and to remember they always have a duty of care to their guests. “If you are planning to host a party and serve alcohol, think about organising transport options for party leavers, including designated drivers to ensure they do not drink and drive. Also be aware …

Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 27 November 2009

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link: The latest development applications lodged for the North Canberra area and open for comment include:

Second-hand Sunday (29 November 2009)

Second-hand Sunday is a free community event that gives everyone an opportunity to give away or collect unwanted but useable items from homes across the ACT. Second-hand Sunday is this coming Sunday 29 November  2009, from 9.00am to 3.00pm Registered participants display a Second-hand Sunday poster at the front of their home along with any unwanted but useable items they want to give away.The list of addresses and a summary of the items being given away is available at or a hard copy of this list is available at any ACT public library. Although it is too late to …

Campbell residents potentially exposed to loose asbestos

ABC Online News and iPrime Canberra are reporting about potential asbestos exposure for residents in Campbell at the site of a house being demolished. There are disturbing reports that ACT Government agencies (ACTPLA and Office of Regulatory Services – Workcover) have been severely talking down the nature of the risks involved despite the fact that samples originating from the demolition project have been confirmed as asbestos and found in neighbouring driveways, yards and gutters.

Canberra Times: NCA faces roasting over ASIO HQ

Tonight, 26 November 2009 the National Capital Authority will hold a public forum (at Parliament House) to provide an opportunity to begin a continuing dialogue about planning in Canberra and ensuring Canberra’s “place” as the national capital. The Canberra Times is reporting that despite the issuing of a formal order of proceedings, the ASIO building is likely to be the main topic of discussion at the meeting with many angry Campbell residents intenting to demand answers from the NCA about its overall involvement in the project. The Canberra Times article has been reproduced below:

ABC News: Canberra Airport to 'shoulder Sydney overload' (Aircraft Noise)

ABC News is reporting that the Canberra Airport is extolling  its curfew free status to become the defacto second airport for Sydney as well as indicating an almost obscene willingness to take excess air traffic from Newcastle, Bankstown and Richmond. The North Canberra Community Council has consistently campaigned for the introduction of a night-time curfew at Canberra Airport to protect the amenity of residents. The airports eagerness to accept additional air traffic simply confirms the Council’s fears that Canberra Airport will use its curfew free status for dumping night-time aircraft movements in to Canberra. These aircraft movements would not be …