North Canberra Community Council

Reminder – Public Forum: National Capital Authority (26 November 2009)

On 26 November 2009 the NCA will hold a public forum to provide opportunity to begin a continuing dialogue about planning in Canberra, and ensuring Canberra’s ‘place’ as the national capital. The event will take place at Parliament House commencing at 6pm. The length of the forum will vary according to the level of interest, but it is expected to finish between 9pm and 10pm. Tea and coffee will be available. The purpose of the forum is to provide a framework for discussion between the NCA and the community and stakeholders on: An introduction to the NCA and its role; …

Invitation to Comment: ACTPLA – Territory Plan Review – testing of Residential Codes structure (closing 4 December 2009)

The North Canberra Community Council, as a participant in the ACT Government coordinated Planning and Development Forum, was sent the following correspondence (below) from ACTPLA. The document seeks feedback on proposed changes to the Residential Code structures for the Territory Plan. The NCCC is encouraging members of the community to provide comments and feedback that can be incorprated in a submission by leaving public comments below or alternatively send your comments (in confidence) to the council via our Contact Us page.

Invitation to comment: Proposed Sites for New Dog Park (closing 7 December 2009)

Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) would like to invite you to provide feedback on three shortlisted sites for a new off-leash dog park in inner Canberra. The ACT Government has allocated approximately $250,000 in the 2009-2010 Budget for the design and construction of a new off-leash dog park within the inner north or inner south of Canberra.

Invitation to Comment: The Review of the Mental Health (Treatment & Care) Act 1994 (Closing 29 January 2010)

The purpose of the Review of the Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Act 1994 (the Act) is to ensure the Act reflects best practice in mental health law, as it has developed over the last 10 years. The introduction of the ACT Human Rights Act 2004 (the HR Act), and the required review for compatibility with the HR Act, provides an appropriate context in which the Review will be carried out. The purpose of the review The purpose of the Review of the Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Act 1994 (the Act) is to ensure the Act reflects best practice …

FOMM: Assistance sought to water tree and shurb seedlings (22 November 2009)

The Friends of Mount Majura are looking for volunteers with some spare time to to help with the watering of tree and shrub seedlings planted in 2009 this coming Sunday, 22 November 2009. You’ll get to see native grasses – wallaby, spear, red leg – flowering and setting seeds for the first time in many years as well as seedlings of Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus). You will also appreciate how effective recent rabbit control measures have been.

ACT Policing: Assistance sought – unlawful removal of children (16 November 2009)

ACT Policing is seeking public assistance in the search for a 36-year-old woman who has unlawful custody of her two children. Joanne McNoe, 36, unlawfully removed her two children, eight-year-old Liam Shahriar and six-year-old Liana Shahriar, from their school in Ainslie about 2.15pm yesterday (November 16). The woman was last seen walking away from the school with the two children. Police do have concerns for the welfare of the children and conducted extensive enquiries late yesterday, overnight and today. The trio have not yet been located and police are seeking the assistance of the public to help find them.

Crimestoppers: Police seeking witnesses to service station robbery – Braddon (17 November 2009)

ACT Policing is investigating and seeking witnesses to an aggravated robbery which occurred in Braddon this morning. About 3.55am Tuesday, November 17 a man armed with a knife has entered the Caltex service station, Braddon demanding money from a staff member. During the incident the male offender has jumped the service counter and left the location with a sum of cash and cigarettes. The man was last seen heading towards Haig Park, Braddon.

Invitation to comment: ACTPLA paper on planning rules for ‘granny flats’, student accommodation (Closing 11 December 2009)

Planning rules for ‘granny flats’, student accommodation and retirement housing are the subject of an issues paper released today by the ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA). Chief Planning Executive Neil Savery said the paper—Special residential and nonresidentialuses in residential zones— would be available for public consultation until 11 December. “This paper, which is part of general review of policy in the Territory Plan, discusses non-standard and non-residential uses in residential zones, and invites comment on possible policy changes,” Mr Savery said. “It’s looking at planning rules for buildings such as boarding houses, student accommodation and ‘granny flats’.