North Canberra Community Council

ABC News: Curfew only solution to airport noise: residents

ABC News is reporting that the Canberra Airport is reacting defensively knowing that it has issues regarding noise from its proposed 24 hour freight hub. Whilst the Canberra Airport has published selective information regarding the effects of aircraft noise on a number of areas affecting Canberra and local region, the information is deliberately misleading as it is for newer passenger aircraft and not older, noisier aircraft that are most commonly used for actual freight operations. Aircraft used for freight operations, for the most part, are older aircraft that are converted after they have served out their useful life in passenger …

Watson Woodlands Working Group Update – securing the Woodlands

The Watson Woodlands Working Group recently met with Environment Minister Simon Corbell to seek the Minister’s support to change land use in Horse Paddock 7 in Block 1, Section 86 to ‘Land Use ‘Hills, Ridges and Buffer’ to establish a secure and permanent environmental link between CNP, and Watson Woodlands. The outcome from the meeting was positive and resulted in the Minister writing a supporting letter to the Minister for Planning, Andrew Barr who will be ultimately involved in making a decision on this matter.

Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 02 October 2009

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link: The latest development applications lodged for the North Canberra area and open for comment include:

Proposal to nominate Canberra and the Australian Capital Territory as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

This article is from the latest edition of the Walter Burley Griffin Society newsletter. It is a really big idea, which all right-minded Canberrans should could embrace. That is, to nominate Canberra and the Australian Capital Territory as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

WIN News: Wildfire Welfare

On Tuesday 06 October 2009, WIN News ran a story confirming separate concerns held by the Friends of Grasslands (reported in the news story from the ABC) that proposed expansion of the Airport would have a detrimental effect on local endangered and threatened grasslands and fauna. In this story the ACT Commissioner for the Environment – Maxine Cooper also confirms that she holds grave concerns about the proposed expansion of the Airport and a proposed northern road. The Canberra Airport claims it has “approval with conditions” for the road in their Draft Environmental Strategy for this road when in reality …