North Canberra Community Council

Satis satisfies

As I chat with Sher Ward in the new back courtyard of cafe Satis, the space is being decorated by a night-time city skyline and the beginnings of a soil-less garden. Sher says that she wants to keep her cafe small scale but is having to expand to cater for customer numbers. “Originally I thought it might be just myself most of the day,” she says. “I was pretty overwhelmed when things did keep picking up.” These are impressive results for a business passionately committed to vegetarian and organic cuisine, which competes with three other eateries and relies exclusively on …

Mountain Matters: Explaining Change in the Mount Majura Nature Reserve

For those of you who walk in Mount Majura Nature Reserve (MMNR), this information may be of interest. When next you walk past the Lower Hackett Reservoir, you will notice a new and unusual fenced area just behind the reservoir on the right hand side of the green Reserve notice board. This fenced area is another example of the Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) at work on behalf of the Hackett community. Here is what it is all about.

Reminder: Daylight Saving Begins – 2am, Sunday 4 October 2009

Before going to bed on Saturday night ensure that your clocks have been set FORWARD one hour to allow for the beginning of Daylight Savings which commences at 2am Sunday morning. Since 2008, the daylight saving period in the ACT has started on the first Sunday in October and ends on the first Sunday in April. This ensures that the Daylight Savings arrangements are aligned with New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.

Invitation to comment: Issues in relation to shopping trolleys

ACT Greens MLA, Caroline Le Couteur is consulting in preparation of potentially formulating legislation and introducing a private members bill before the Legislative Assembly in relation to issues regarding shopping trolleys.. Ms. Le Couteur is currently soliciting public comment and feedback on how she should approach the issue.

The Chronicle: Residents plan for town's future

The September 29 2009 edition of the Chronicle ran a story written by Elliot Woods reporting on the consultation for Master Planning for the Dickson Group Centre. Residents, business and land owners, developers, government officials, regional workers and shoppers all met on Thursday evening to plot the future of Dickson’s town centre. The article is reproduced below: