North Canberra Community Council

The Monster That Ate Constitution Avenue

Campbell’s sleepy streets are about to be consumed by ASIO’s monster new headquarters, destroying views, eating trees, creating new parking tangles, gobbling up open space and imposing a regime of security guards and barricades along the lakefront boundary. But it isn’t all bad news. Campbell resident Peter Mackay, writing under the nom-de-plume of Skyring is taking a whimsical look at the effect this monster building will have. Skullduggery, coffee, books, on-line shenanigans and perhaps a little love along the way as the residents of the fictional thoroughfare of Monash Drive cope with ASIO’s new headquarters. He is aiming to write …

Did you know: Ambulances are not a free service

The ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS) is responsible for providing emergency and non-emergency ambulance services to the ACT community. In providing emergency ambulance services, ACTAS include at least one intensive care paramedic (ICP) on every emergency ambulance. This is the highest level of pre-hospital clinical care provided by any ambulance service in Australia. Non-emergency ambulance services are provided by ICP and Patient Transport Service resources. Patient Transport Service crews undertake routine ambulance transport of patients to, from and between hospitals and other medical facilities. Unfortunately use of the ACT Ambulance Service is NOT a free Service* and fees and charges reflect …

The Chronicle: Strong Support for Wetlands

The September 22 2009 edition of the Chronicle ran a story written by Elliot Woods reporting strong support for the Wetlands proposed for Banksia Street in O’Connor. More than 1000 inner city residents turned up to Banksia Street in O’Connor on Saturday September 22 2009 to back a proposed wetland system supporting native flora and fauna. Inner North SEE Change representative Barbara Chevialier and Edwina Richardson from Urban Waterways were both happy with the turnout for Saturday’s fair. The article is reproduced below:

Federal Environment Minister rejects protection of threatened species on Australian Heritage Village site

The Federal Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts, Peter Garrett AM MP has rejected a request from the Watson Community Association to protect remnant White Box, Yellow Box and Blakely’s Red Gum grassy woodlands on the Australian Heritage Village redevelopment site. The correspondence from the Department is reproduced below:

Crimestoppers: Operation School Safe seeks community vigilance

ACT Policing is asking for the Canberra community to remain vigilant around schools and colleges in the weeks ahead as staff and students take their regular term break. Historically, school properties become more vulnerable targets for offences such as burglary and graffiti during the holiday period. Police believe that with the vigilance and assistance of the community, particularly by those residents who live close to a school and perhaps take regular walks around their local area, this type of crime can be greatly reduced.