North Canberra Community Council

Invitation to Comment: Second draft of the ACT Multicultural Strategy 2010 – 2013 (closing 5 November 2009)

The ACT Government is seeking written comment or submissions from individuals or organisations on the second draft of the ACT Multicultural Strategy 2010 -2013. Following the initial round of community consultation, the draft includes an updated structure, as well as new content.

Invitation to comment: Community Facility Zone Development Code and Table policy review (closing 23 October 2009)

The Community Facility Zone Development Code (CFZDC) and its associated Development Table is currently being reviewed as part of the Territory Plan review. A discussion paper has been released seeking comment from the ACT community about how the code and table might be revised. Key questions have been identified, based on ACTPLA’s recent research and experiences. However these are intended only as a basis for discussion and suggestions about additional potential issues and policy measures are welcome.

Inner North Community Fair a success – a thank you from the organisers

We would like to thank you for your contribution to the success of the Inner North Community Fair. The aims of the Fair were to raise awareness of the proposed wetland development on the site and to showcase a range of environmental products and initiatives available to the local community. Over 50 organisations participated on the day. Highlights included the smoking ceremony performed by Wiradjuri Echoes, daleks spreading ecological messages and a clothes swap organised by ACT otherwise.

Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 25 September 2009

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link: The latest development applications lodged for the North Canberra area and open for comment include:

Ongoing community concerns regarding new ASIO building development

If you are concerned about the construction of the ASIO building adjacent to Campbell on Parkes Way and Constitution Avenue, whether because of its size, because of the inappropriateness a security agency in such a symbolic  location, or because of the almost total lack of public consultation, then please look at some of the suggestions below as to what you can do, to either turn the tide or to help guarantee better consultation in future. THINGS YOU CAN DO: Meet & lobby Bob McMullan MP for Fraser: This coming Wednesday 30th September 2009: 6.30-8pm  at Ainslie Football Club,  52 Wakefield …

Public Consultation: Roadside memorials (closing 16 October 2009)

The Department of Transport and Municipal Services has released a discussion paper and is seeking public comment on roadside memorials which will assist in the development of a formal ACT Government policy on the placement of roadside memorials in the ACT. The ACT Government recently made a commitment to develop a policy for the placement of roadside memorials. The policy will also outline how the views and impact on residents in adjacent properties are to be considered