North Canberra Community Council

Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 18 September 2009

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link: The latest development applications lodged for the North Canberra area and open for comment include:

Canberra Times: Stanhope says fatality highlights road need

On 21 September 2009, Canberra Times journalist David Stockman, the Canberra Times police reporter, wrote a story with comments from the ACT Chief Minister insisting that the recent fatality was further justification of the need to expedite the building of the Majura Parkway. The North Canberra Community Council accepts that there is a need for the upgrade of the Road to Dual Carriageway for both safety and traffic capacity issues. However the council has rejected outright the need for the realignment of the road due to the severe environmental impacts this will have.

Crimestoppers: Offender sought after vicious sexual assault – Dickson (20 September 2009)

ACT Policing is investigating an incident which occurred in Dickson around 4.40 am today (September 20). The 24-year-old victim was walking north along the Dickson side of Northbourne Avenue to her home, when she was approached from behind by a male who assaulted her and threatened her at knife point.

Crimestoppers: Fatal collision; Majura Road – Majura (19 September 2009)

ACT Policing’s Collision Investigation and Reconstruction Team are investigating the circumstances surrounding a fatal collision which occurred on Majura Road around 7am today (September 19). Witness accounts from the scene indicate a tipper truck towing a dog-trailer carrying gravel was travelling north on Majura Road, when a four-wheel-drive travelling in the opposite direction, at high speed, crossed onto the wrong side of the road colliding with the truck.

Dickson Centre Planning Project – Design Workshop (24 September 2009)

The Dickson Centre Planning Project is now in progress. This project will guide the future of urban planning in the Dickson centre. Details of recent and upcoming opportunities for you to have your say are outlined below. The design workshop: When: Thursday 24 September 2009 (5.30pm – 8.00pm) Where: Dickson Tradies (Housie Hall), off Dickson Place, Dickson RSVP: To assist with catering please RSVP by COB Tuesday 22 September 2009 to Purdon Associates on 02 6257 1511 or The design workshop is open to lessees, business owners, local residents, community organisations and anyone with an interest in the centre.

ABC News: Hackett traffic 'likely to increase'

On 18 September 2009 the ABC News, following up on a story from the previous day where Hackett residents have expressed concern with regard to traffic safety issues,. Roads ACT has now admitted that the traffic in Hackett is only likely to increase with new roadworks and development in Gungahlin and traffic control and management measures are currently not budgeted for. ABC News Online reports as follows: Hackett traffic ‘likely to increase’ Roads ACT say the traffic flow into Canberra’s inner-north suburb of Hackett is likely to increase unless new traffic arrangements are developed.

ABC News: Safety Concerns (Hackett Traffic)

New traffic pressures in North Canberra expected On 17 September 2009 the ABC News reported on the ongoing concerns that the Hackett residents have with regard to increasing and potentially dangerous traffic levels transiting the Hackett area each morning. [youtube]P-0iCeW0CvU&rel=0&showsearch=1[/youtube] This is an ongoing issue additional information can also be found in the following articles:

October 2009: Meeting Details

North Canberra Community Council October 2009 Public Meeting Wednesday, 21 October 2009, 19:30 ACT Sports House 100 Maitland Street, Hackett Guest Speaker Russell Yell – Senior Transport Engineer, Cardno “Pedestrian and Cycle Infrastructure Review” The North Canberra Community Council (NCCC) is the umbrella organization for Resident Associations and Community Groups in North Canberra. The NCCC is the one-stop-shop for Government and the community to communicate. The NCCC is run by volunteers and membership is free. As a resident of North Canberra you are invited to become a member and participate in committee meetings. Membership forms will be available at the …