North Canberra Community Council

Crimestoppers: Police seek information about suspicious man – Lyneham (12 September 2009)

ACT Policing is seeking information about a suspicious man seen outside the IGA supermarket in Lyneham on Saturday afternoon (September 12). The man, who was riding a silver bicycle, approached a 7-year-old girl out the front of the supermarket about 5.30pm, asking her if she wanted to come for a ride with him.

Reminder: 2010/11 ACT Budget Consultation closing soon (Closing 28 September 2009)

The opportunity to provide input, make written submissions and/or proposals for the 2010/11 ACT Budget closes on 28 September 2009. The ACT Department of Treasury is seeking input from interested community and business groups, industry, unions and individuals to share their views and suggestions on the key savings measures and options for raising revenue for consideration in the 2010-11 ACT Budget.

Hackett Neighbourhood Watch – New Newsletter Editor required for 2010

The present editor of the Hackett neighbourhood newsletter is due to retire at the end of 2009. We therefore need a new editor. Anyone with some computer skills, with a concern for the welfare of our Hackett community and a few hours a month to spare, please do consider getting involved. Please ring Jochen Zeil (6247 7515); Dorothy McKenzie (6248 9281) or Patrick McNamara (6249 1669) if you would like to discuss what is involved or if you would consider becoming newsletter editor.

FoMM: Mount Majura Horehound Blitz (20 September 2009)

In this working bee the Friends of Mount Majura will tackle a horehound infested area between two major re-vegetation sites, the National Tree Day 2009 planting area and the drainage line planted with local shrubs to assist the establishment of a wildlife corridor. They hope to achieve some weed free passages between the plantings sites to reduce the spread of seeds by pedestrian traffic. The long term goal is to remove horehound from the whole area which will benefit native revegetation.

Crimestoppers: Police seek puppy thief – Civic (09 September 2009)

ACT Policing is seeking assistance from the public in identifying a male who stole a female cavoodle puppy worth around $1200 from its glass pen in a Bunda St, Civic pet shop on Wednesday afternoon (September 9). Around 4.30pm on Wednesday, a male who had been browsing in the store, Pets Paradise, is captured on CCTV lifting up the black-and-white puppy, putting it under his jumper, and leaving the store.

Tree replacement program set to begin

Almost 300 trees will be removed under the ACT Government’s Tree Replacement Program this year, but more than double that number will be replanted. This year’s work will involve the removal of 282 trees and 48 suckers and stumps, and the planting of 588 trees. The trees in question have been identified as being in decline, or already hazardous to the public. The works will begin in September, with planting to begin in early October, and will be carried out at 24 sites across the city. The Tree Replacement Program primarily focuses on the older suburbs of Canberra and includes …

Changes to legislation affecting unit titling of dual occupancies (10 September 2009)

On 10 September 2009, changes to the Unit Titles Act 2001 came into effect which restricted unit titling of some two-unit developments. The amendments mean that two unit developments are only permitted to be unit titled where one unit is wholly or partly superimposed on the other unit. For more information see the ACTPLA webpage