North Canberra Community Council

ACT Government launches Community Engagement Online website

The ACT Government has launched a new web initiative “Community Engagement Online“. It appears that the ACT Government has recognized the value that the North Canberra Community website has been providing to the local community over the last eight months. We have consistently provided a “single online source” where individuals can find consolidated and relevant information pertinent to the North Canberra district. The new ACT Government run website provides a super-set of information relevant to the entire Territory in regard to government driven community engagement activities. The North Canberra Community Council website will continue to provide information on local current …

Canberra Airport Master Plan approved: Aircraft noise a noted issue

ABC News Online and iPrime Canberra are reporting that today (28 August 2009) the Federal Minister for Transport, Anthony Albanese, has approved the Canberra Airport’s Master Plan including the establishment of a 24 hour freight hub. However it has been clearly noted, that despite the Canberra Airport claims and protestations otherwise, noise remains a significant issue that needs to be addressed. The ABC article clearly articulates that the Minister’s position. The Minister has formally  has acknowledged that Aircraft noise remains a major issue and action will need to be taken to address the problem as it grows: The Infrastructure Minister …

Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 28 August 2009

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link: The latest development applications lodged for the North Canberra area and open for comment include:

ACT Government: Plastic Bag Consultation (August/September 2009)

Plastic bags are widely used in all communities but can pose a threat to the environment. The ACT Government wants to know whether Canberrans are concerned by their use and if so what should be done about it. Do you want to ban them? Introduce a levy? Or encourage the use of other types of bags? Please have your say on this issue and help us get the best policy in place. Telephone surveys have already commenced while there will also be the opportunity to have a say through consultation sessions taking place in shopping centres. [update: 31 August 2009] …

Chronicle: Redundant by 2026 – $250 million traffic solution

The August 25 2009  edition of the  Chronicle ran a story written by Rebecca Thisleton reporting on the proceedings at the August meeting of the North Canberra Community Council where the Majura Parkway was discussed. Greens Member for Molonglo Shane Rattenbury said the Majura Parkway was the wrong starting point for easing traffic snarls in the inner north. “Somehow we’ve ended up locked into this vast, 100 kilometre-per-hour road, and I don’t understand why this has been the option selected when you could have the existing 80 kilometre-per-hour road duplicated, it would not require the millions and millions of dollars …