North Canberra Community Council

Volunteers made National Tree Day a success

On Sunday 2 August, more than 140 volunteers from Hackett and surrounding suburbs joined by Ms Caroline Le Couteur MLA, Minister Andrew Barr and Senator Gary Humphries celebrated National Tree Day 2009 by planting over 300 local trees in Mount Majura nature reserve. Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM), Mount Ainslie Weeders, Watson Woodland Working Group and Hackett Community Association, joined forces for the massive workload involved in preparation, planning and planting for the event. The degraded Majura paddock was checked thoroughly of for hazardous materials prior to the event and given a clean bill of health the Environment Protection Authority. …

Canberra Times: Still time to settle ASIO HQ worries

On Saturday 8th August 2009, The Canberra Times ran an editorial piece titled “Still time to settle ASIO HQ worries”. This piece discusses the politics behind the decision to rush approval of the ASIO HQ building in it’s current location and large scale. Is the Parliamentary Triangle a precinct set aside for Australia’s most important national institutions an appropriate place for the headquarters of a large security intelligence agency, bearing in mind that the imposing building will, after Parliament House, be the largest edifice in the district?

Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 07 August 2009

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link: The latest development applications lodged for the North Canberra area and open for comment include:

Free Workshops: “Write On” Parents (31 August 2009 & 12 October 2009)

“Write On” Parents is a free, interactive two hour workshop that will provide parents with the skills and resources to identify the handwriting needs of their child and explore the foundational skills necessary for the development of handwriting. The workshop is for parents only. No referrals or assessments are required.

Invitation to comment: ACT Taxi Industry Review (closing 21 August 2009)

The Government has decided to undertake a comprehensive review of the operation, regulation and licensing of ACT taxi services and would appreciate comments from interested members of the community on the ACT Taxi Industry Review—Draft Terms of Reference. Feedback received will input into the development of an Issues Paper which will then be released for public comment.