North Canberra Community Council

Chronicle: Freight hub still draws ire

The June 30  2009  edition of the  Chronicle ran a story written by Elliot Woods about the negative health effects that will be experienced should the proposed 24 hour freight hub go ahead at the Canberra Airport.  Curfew for Canberra convener Jenny Savigny explains the experience that Europe has had with late night aircraft noise.

Consultation: Mental health and suicide prevention (Closing 21 July 2009)

ACT Health is currently conducting public consultations on the following documents: Building a Strong Foundation: Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing in the ACT 2009-2014; and Managing the Risk of Suicide Two: A suicide prevention strategy for the ACT 2009-2014. All documentation including feedback questions are available at There will be two public consultations sessions occurring in the North Canberra Area, as well as sessions in Belconnen and Tuggeranong:

Hackett Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter – July 2009

The July 2009 edition of the Hackett Neighbourhood Watch newsletter is now available and residents of the suburb of Hackett will receive a copy of this publication in their letterboxes. The newsletter can also be accessed from the Hackett Neighbourhood Watch page on this website Please note that the deadline for submissions for the next newsletter is Saturday, 25 July 2009.

ABC News: Drivers stung with parking fee rise

ABC News is reporting the parking fees in Government Car Parks in the City West area will increase substantially from 6 July 2009: [youtube]VAlZd0gmHMA&rel=0&showsearch=1[/youtube] Parking fees for three of Canberra’s carkparks will nearly double from Monday. An all-day ticket at a City West car park, between Marcus Clarke Street and Gordon Street, will rise from $5 to $9.

Public Forums & Consultation: Supermarket Competition Policy Review (closing 24 July 2009)

On the 16 June 2009 the ACT Chief Minister announced the appointment of Mr John Martin to conduct a review of the current ACT Supermarket Competition policy. Mr Martin is a former Commissioner of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and was involved in the ACCC’s 2008 Retail Grocery Inquiry. Mr Martin will examine a range of issues as part of his review including the relevance of the ACT Government‘s supermarket competition policy in light of the outcomes of the ACCC Inquiry in to the competitiveness of retail prices for standard groceries.

Crimestoppers: Police seeking assistance to identify offender – Civic (14 February 2009)

ACT Policing is seeking public assistance to identify a male offender after an assault earlier this year that left one young man with a broken nose and fractured eye socket and a second with a cut lip. The incident occurred about 5.35pm on Saturday February 14, the weekend of the Multicultural Festival, near the water fountain at the Canberra Centre entrance on Ainslie Avenue in Civic.

Crimestoppers: Witnesses sought to City assault – Civic (21 June 2009)

ACT Policing is investigating the assault of an 18-year-old man outside the ICBM and Meche nightclubs on Northbourne Avenue around 1am on Sunday (June 21). Police are seeking assistance from the public to identify the suspect (pictured) who is described by a witness as male, being of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean appearance, approximately 30-years-old, 183-185cm (6’-6’1”) tall, with a solid build, brown eyes and a shaved head. At the time of the offence he was wearing a dark blue hooded jumper and jeans.