North Canberra Community Council

Development Applications open to public comment for 26 June 2009

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link: The latest development applications lodged for the North Canberra area and open for comment include:

NowUC: Inner north – the heart of Canberra darkness (audio)

The following is an audio article by University of Canberra Journalism student Ben Lisson. It discusses the inadequate street lighting and lack of upgrades in the Inner North area. “This year’s ACT Budget figures show half a million dollars set aside for energy efficient streetlight upgrades. But in Canberra’s inner north, streets have yet to see the upgrades, and according to Territory and Municipal Services, they aren’t likely to in the near future.” 

Media Release 22 June 2009: Majura Parkway Realignment EIS

NCCC Media Release 22 June 2009 The Chair of the North Canberra Community Council (NCCC), Jochen Zeil, has called for more information on the proposed Majura Parkway Realignment and a public information meeting on the new road. Mr Zeil stated, “The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) makes it clear that the real reason for the unnecessarily expensive and environmentally damaging major realignment of the Parkway is to enable a future Very High Speed Train (VHST) to connect to Canberra Airport. This would support the Airport’s plan to become Sydney’s second airport and a night freight hub. “The community, including NCCC, has …

Crimestoppers: Witnesses sought to school damage, property thefts – Lyneham (19-20 June 2009)

Witnesses sought to school damage, property thefts ACT Policing is seeking witnesses to a property damage incident at the Lyneham High School and Primary School overnight in which vandals spray-painted a number of crude and offensive drawings and messages on the walls of the school buildings. The defacing of the property, which is mostly on the walls facing toward Brigalow St and the courtyard areas of the high school, is suspected to have occurred sometime between 7pm Friday, June 19 and 7.30am Saturday, June 20.