North Canberra Community Council

Neighbourhood Street and Park Tree Replacement Program consultation (closing 18 June 2009)

Long term retention of formal street tree landscapes is important for Canberra’s ‘Garden City’ character to be maintained. Parks, Conservation and Lands of the Department of Territory and Municipal Services is committed to maintaining this tree landscape and a replacement program is a vital part of that maintenance. On behalf of Parks, Conservation and Lands, Scenic Landscape Architecture has undertaken an assessment of the long-term viability of trees in some streets and parks within the North Canberra area. Some of these will form part of the current package of works to be undertaken in the 2008-2009 Tree Replacement Program.

Crimestoppers: Stolen medication – Civic (9 June 2009)

ACT Policing is seeking witnesses to a theft incident in Civic 9/6/2009 where a large quantity of medication was stolen from a vehicle. About 4.30pm police were advised that two tourists had returned to their vehicle in a carpark off London Circuit to find it had been broken into. A search of the vehicle revealed that three backpacks containing large quantities of heart, diabetes and other medication had been stolen. ACT Policing has been informed that misuse of this medication can have serious health consequences and is warning members of the community against taking any medication that is not specifically …

Development Applications open to public comment for 05 June 2009

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link: The latest development applications lodged for the North Canberra area and open for comment include:

ACT Governmrent Gaming Machine Review – submissions sought (closing 17 July 2009)

The ACT Government is considering implementing a scheme to provide for the reallocation of gaming machines in order that they can be spread equitably across the Territory so that people in all residential areas, including in future areas such as Molonglo, would have access to a local club and its community services. The Government has also decided to consider options to reduce the number of gaming machines in the ACT. The ACT Government is seeking submissions from stakeholders and interested members of the community on options for the reallocation scheme and reduction of the gaming machine cap. Submissions will assist …