North Canberra Community Council

TURNER Development Application: 201629431 Address: 40 MACLEAY STREET Block: 17 Section: 46

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING-NEW RESIDENCES-LEASE VARIATION. Proposed demolition of existing residences and construction of 8 dwellings in a new 2 storey development. Please see application form for detail of the lease variation.  Period for representations closes: 10/06/2016 Click here to view the plans

LYNEHAM Development Application: 201629471 Address: 15 DE BURGH STREET Block: 13 Section: 49

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING-15 UNIT DEVELOPMENT-LEASE VARIATION – Proposed construction of 15 residential units in a new 3 storey development with a basement car park. Please see application form for description of variation.  Period for representations closes: 16/06/2016 Click here to view the plans