North Canberra Community Council

Renewal of Dickson set to get underway

Last night, I helped launch The Discover Dickson campaign, which promotes the terrific dining and entertainment options that are offered in the area. Dickson is a high traffic area and the ACT Government’s plan through our Gateway Urban Renewal Strategy is to keep that high level of energy going. Stage one of the city wide light rail network will offer significant development opportunities in the Dickson area over the coming years. The boost in transportation options and an influx of new residents should see the area thrive.

DICKSON Development Application: 201629078 Address: 330 NORTHBOURNE AVENUE Block: 39 Section: 6

Proposal: COMMERCIAL-CAPITAL METRO LIGHT RAIL. Proposed use of existing Visitor Information building and car park as a temporary site office and construction compound for Capital Metro light rail.  Period for representations closes: 08/04/2016 Click here to view the plans

DICKSON Development Application: 201426717 Address: ANTILL STREET Block: 21 Section: 30

Proposal: RECONSIDERATION of DA 201426717 – Revised Proposal – Proposed construction of mixed use development comprising two supermarkets and other commercial tenancies, 140 residential units and associated site works. Please see reconsideration application for full details.  Period for representations closes: 01/04/2016 Click here to view the plans

DICKSON Development Application: 201425744 Address: COWPER STREET Block: 13 Section: 72

Proposal: Proposed amendments to DA 201425744 still under consideration. Amendments include reduction of the number of trees to be removed from the block through redesign of the proposed car parking area. Reduction of the number of car parking spaces to be provided onsite to 74 (reduced from 104 spaces).  Period for representations closes: 01/04/2016 Click here to view the plans