North Canberra Community Council

BRADDON Development Application: 201628837 Address: 150 NORTHBOURNE AVENUE Block: 9 Section: 8

Proposal: COMMERCIAL-REX HOTEL-ADDITIONS-ALTERATIONS. Proposed extension to existing stair and lift shafts and construction of a new open air deck/entertainment area with vergola to host events, ancillary to hotel and associated works.  Period for representations closes: 17/02/2016 Click here to view the plans

O’CONNOR Development Application: 201528746 Address: 2 HARDMAN STREET Block: 22 Section: 52

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING-DEMOLITION-3 NEW DWELLINGS-LEASE VARIATION. Proposed demolition of existing residence and construction of a two storey development containing 3 new residences with basement car park. Lease variation – please see application form for details.  Period for representations closes: 09/02/2016 Click here to view the plans

LYNEHAM Development Application: 201528723 Address: 61 GOODWIN STREET Block: 2 Section: 47

Proposal: COMMUNITY FACILITY- LYNEHAM SCHOOL-DEMOLITION. Proposed decommissioning and removal of the underground storage tank and associated soil testing in regard to contamination present and reinstatement of the site.  Period for representations closes: 01/02/2016 Click here to view the plans