North Canberra Community Council

CAMPBELL Development Application: 201528597 Address: 50 JACKA CRESCENT Block: 15 Section: 16

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING-LEASE VARIATION-DEMOLITION-3 NEW DWELLINGS. Proposed demolition of existing residence and construction of 3 new dwellings with basement carpark. Lease Variation – Please see application form for details.  Period for representations closes: 14/01/2016 Click here to view the plans

DICKSON Development Application: 201528609 Address: 96 DOORING STREET Block: 17 Section: 4

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING-DEMOLITION-LEASE VARIATION-8 UNIT DEVELOPMENT. Proposed demolition of the existing residences and construction of a two storey 8 residential unit development. Lease Variation- Please see application form for details. Period for representations closes: 04/01/2016 Click here to view the plans

CITY Development Application: 201528532 Address: 20 ALLARA STREET Block: 3 Section: 12

Proposal: MIXED USE-COMMERCIAL-190 RESIDENTIAL UNITS-DEMOLITION-LEASE VARIATION. Proposed partial demolition of the existing building and the construction of a new mixed use development with associated parking, landscaping and offsite works. Please see Application form for a description of the lease variation.  Period for representations closes: 29/12/2015 Click here to view the plans

Improving the ACT Building Regulatory System

This review of the building regulatory system is part of ongoing ACT Government reforms to ensure buildings meet contemporary standards – and the expectations of the community, industry practitioners and businesses and government alike. The Government is proposing reforms to the regulatory system, with the primary focus on residential buildings—single dwellings, townhouses and apartment buildings—and management of retention and project payments. Some of the proposals also apply to non-residential buildings. Anyone with an interest in building and construction is invited to have their say on the proposals outlined in the paper For more information, go to