North Canberra Community Council

LYNEHAM Development Application: 201528234 Address: 136 BRIGALOW STREET Block: 4 Section: 41

Proposal: COMMUNITY FACILITY-DEMOLITION-FUEL TANK-BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE. Proposed removal of an underground fuel storage tank (heating oil), fuel lines, filler point; vent pipe and line and make good surfaces.  Period for representations closes: 25/09/2015 Click here to view the plans

DICKSON Development Application: 201528193 Address: 26 ANTILL STREET Block: 29 Section: 32

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING-125 RESIDENTIAL UNITS-MIXED USE-LEASE VARIATION. Proposed construction of 125 residential units over 6 storeys, 2 additional car parking basement levels, on and off site external works, services and landscaping. Consolidation of the 2 existing blocks.  Period for representations closes: 18/09/2015 Click here to view the plans

Community Association opposes Lyneham Oval Development

The Lyneham Community Association advises that a community petition with 1553 signatures opposed to the proposal by Brindabella Christian College to sub-lease and develop a portion of Lyneham Neighbourhood Oval was lodged in the ACT Legislative Assembly recently. (See petition no. 9-15). After consideration of the petition, and noting that approximately 90% of those asked to sign, did so, the Lyneham Community Association (LCA) has adopted a clearer position, consistent with the petition, opposing the sub-leasing and development proposal, and released the following media statement and position statement:

O’CONNOR Development Application: 201528115 Address: 7 DAVID STREET Block: 14 Section: 43

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING-DEMOLITION-7 UNIT DEVELOPMENT-GARAGE-LEASE VARIATION. Proposed demolition of existing two dwellings and construction of 7 new two storey dwellings with attached double garages. Please refer to the application form for Lease Variation Component.  Period for representations closes: 14/09/2015 Click here to view the plans

TURNER Development Application: 201528124 Address: 18 GREENWAY STREET Block: 15 Section: 47

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING-DEMOLITION-8 UNIT DEVELOPMENT-LEASE VARIATION. Proposed demolition of two detached single residential buildings. Consolidation of two blocks and lease variation to allow maximum 8 dwellings. Construction of a two storey building comprising of 8 residential units with basement car parking.  Period for representations closes: 07/09/2015 Click here to view the plans