North Canberra Community Council

DOWNER Development Application: 201426941 Address: 86 BLACKET STREET Block: 20 Section: 39

Proposal: MULTIRESIDENTIAL-DEMOLITION-LEASE VARIATION. Proposed demolition of existing dwellings; construction of 7 two-storey units with attached garages. Lease variation – please see application form for full description  Period for representations closes: 05/02/2015 Click here to view the plans

DICKSON Development Application: 201426717 Address: BADHAM STREET Block: 21 Section: 30

Proposal: MIXED USE-DEMOLITION-COMMERCIAL-155 RESIDENTIAL UNITS. Demolition of existring structures and removal of regulated trees. Proposed construction of mixed use development comprising of two super markets and other commercial tenancies; 155 dwellings; and associated site works.  Period for representations closes: 27/01/2015 Click here to view the plans