North Canberra Community Council

Campbell Section 5 update – National Capital Authority works approval

Campbell Section 5 is a proposed multi-storey mixed use development on the north east corner of the intersection of Anzac Parade and Constitution Avenue.  The NCA invites interested people and organisations to provide written comments on the proposed Campbell Section 5 Display Suite by close of business on 21 November 2014. An information session on Section 5 Campbell developments will be held at 6.00 – 7.00pm on Monday 10 November at the St John’s Church Hall. RSVP is essential. Please phone (02) 6271 2888 to register your interest, or notify your interest to the email address shown on the website.  …

LYNEHAM Development Application: 201426427 Address: NO ADDRESS Block: 21 Section: 41

Proposal: COMMUNITY FACILITY-ADDITION & ALTERATION . Proposed construction of a two storey community activity centre & sports pavilion. Construction of a new sealed carpark with new verge crossing; New outdoor playing courts and Associated landscaping, paths and external lighting.  Period for representations closes: 19/11/2014 Click here to view the plans

Guide to Getting Around in Canberra for older Canberra residents

COTA ACT has just printed A Guide to Getting Around in Canberra for older Canberra residents.  The Guide provides information about all the transport options available to older people who don’t drive or who are getting towards the close of their driving career.  The booklet has phone numbers, web sites and tips on a range of things from accessible travel to social and recreational opportunities, to getting good taxi service.  You can look at the online version here …  If you’d like a copy of the Guide, please call COTA ACT on 6282 3777.

CITY Development Application: 201426293 Address: 6 MORT STREET Block: 7 Section: 35

Proposal: COMMERCIAL-OUTDOOR DINING-SIGNAGE. Proposed construction of outdoor dining area for AKIBA restaurant (40 Bunda Street) on public land. Installation of signage under existing building awning and on existing building. Period for representations closes: 14/11/2014 Click here to view the plans

Got a question on light rail?

What colour will the trams be? What will happen to bus routes? Will trams have right of way over cars? If you have a burning question about light rail, you can put it to Capital Metro at the North Canberra Community Council meeting at 7.30 pm on 19 November, at ACT Sports House, 100 Maitland St Hackett. If you have a question but can’t attend the meeting, please include your question in a comment on this article. The two questions that NCCC judge to be most interesting will be put to Capital Metro at the meeting. If you lodge your …

Have your say on the future of the Dickson community cultural precinct

The Dickson community cultural precinct (Dickson Section 72) is the area to the east of the Dickson Aquatic Centre, bounded by Antill Street, the Dickson playing fields and the shared community path that leads from the Dickson shops at Cowper Street to Dickson College on Philip Avenue. Its current zoning prohibits residential development. The ACT Government is proposing to change the zoning of the whole of Section 72 to a Commercial Zone that would allow residential development. The proposal forms a part of its Omnibus Territory Plan Variation (see link below) which will allow zoning changes at 17 sites across the ACT. A …

TURNER Development Application: 201426190 Address: 18 HOLDER STREET Block: 1 Section: 47

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING-DEMOLITION-4 NEW DWELLINGS-LEASE VARIATION. Proposed redevelopment of the site to accommodate four townhouses with on site car parking; private and communal open space with associated landscaping; and new vehicle crossing. LEASE VARIATION – Please see application form for detail of the lease variation. Period for representations closes: 31/10/2014 Click here to view the plans