North Canberra Community Council

BRADDON Development Application: 201426168 Address: 79 TORRENS STREET Block: 3 Section: 1

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING-DEMOLITION-LEASE VARIATION-7 NEW UNITS. Proposed demolition of the existing residence and structures; Construction of seven (7) new residential units; Includes basement carparking, rooftop for outdoor living and associated landscaping. Please see the application form for detail of the lease variation. Period for representations closes: 31/10/2014 Click here to view the plans

Downer light rail stop to stay.

Ben Smith of Capital Metro left a phone message on 7 October, saying that the light rail stop at the intersection of Swinden Street and Northbourne Avenue will be retained, and that some unspecified stops in other areas will not be built. I have returned his phone call twice to ask for more information, but without success. Leon Arundell Secretary, NCCC

TURNER Development Application: 201120120 Address: 51 MOORE STREET Block: 3 Section: 39

Proposal: Proposed amendments to DA approval – AMENDMENTS INCLUDE; 1.Minor adjustments to rear and side setbacks; 2.Relocate bin enclosure out of setback; 3.Unit 1 northern courtyard deleted; 4. ACTEW electrical DB cupboard location shown; 5. Janitor WC moved from basement to ground floor; 6. Delete windows; 7.Revise colours and finishes; 8.Second driveway crossover deleted, TAMS endorsed kerbside pickup; 9. Revised windows. Period for representations closes: 27/10/2014 Click here to view the plans

TURNER Development Application: 201426131 Address: 75 MACLEAY STREET Block: 1 Section: 63

Proposal: MULTIDWELLING-DEMOLITION-CONSOLIDATION- LEASE VARIATION – 9 UNITS. Proposed demolition of two houses; consolidation of the two blocks; lease variation and construction of nine two-storey terrace style townhouses with basement parking. Period for representations closes: 08/10/2014 Click here to view the plans