North Canberra Community Council

DICKSON Development Application: 201425697 Address: 1 MCGOWAN PLACE Block: 73 Section: 4

Proposal: MULITDWELLING-LEASE VARIATION-DEMOLITION-CONSOLIDATION-Demolition of existing dwellings and outbuildings; Construction of multi unit development consisting of 5 dwellings with attached garages. Consolidation of blocks and Lease variation to allow for 5 dwellings. Period for representations closes: 13/08/2014 Click here to view the plans

DICKSON Development Application: 201425893 Address: NO ADDRESS Block: 31 Section: 34

Proposal: MIXED USE – DEMOLITION – NEW BUILDING. Proposed demolition of existing buildings and construction of 5 storey mixed use building consisting of 14 commercial tennancies, 224 residential units, ground floor and 2 levels of basement car parking; associated landscaping and site works.  Period for representations closes: 15/08/2014 Click here to view the plans

DICKSON Development Application: 201425665 Address: 124 COWPER STREET Block: 30 Section: 14

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING-DEMOLITION and 6 NEW DWELLINGS. Proposed demolition of 3 existing residences and associated structures. Construction of 2 storey buildings containing 6 new dwellings, associated carports, driveway and landscaping. Lease Variation-Consolidation. Please see application form for further details.  Period for representations closes: 15/08/2014 Click here to view the plans

BRADDON Development Application: 201425898 Address: 150 NORTHBOURNE AVENUE Block: 9 Section: 8

Proposal: COMMERCIAL-DEMOLITION-ADDITIONS-CANBERRA REX HOTEL. Proposed demolition of existing building. Construction of new 3 storey building with mezzanine and carpark to side boundary. Construction of new areas, including display suite and waste enclosure on/ in existing hotel building. Minor alterations to existing ground floor carparking. Relocation of existing substation as per actew PNA. Includes associated hard and soft landscaping.  Period for representations closes: 11/08/2014 Click here to view the plans

Updated Agenda: North Canberra Community Council meeting 16 July 2014

The next meeting of the North Canberra Community Council is to be held on Wednesday 16 July 2014, 7.30pm at ACT Sports House, 100 Maitland Street, Hackett. The Agenda is: GUEST PRESENTATION/S 7.30 pm Community Solar – Qiao Han, Zhenfa General Manager, Energy Projects. 8pm (to be confirmed) Traffic issues – Discussion with Roads ACT of Dickson intersection improvements and a discussion paper on Ainslie traffic issues, which was expected in May 2014.

O’CONNOR Development Application: 201425629 Address: 78 DRYANDRA STREET Block: 38 Section: 84

Proposal: MULTIRESIDENTIAL-ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS. Lease Variation to state number of units; Demolition of carport and sunroom; Internal reconfiguration of units 1 and 2; New upper level rear deck. Lease Variation – see application for details.  Period for representations closes: 18/07/2014 Click here to view the plans