North Canberra Community Council

O’CONNOR Development Application: 201017855 Address: 79 MACARTHUR AVENUE Block: 29 Section: 79

Proposal: Proposed amendments to DA approval – amendments include modifications to the roof, basement, unity layout, garbage room, open space, balconies, screens and external finishes; additions of screens to the fire stairs.  Period for representations closes: 27/03/2014 Click here to view the plans

Canberra Raiders take punt on legal precedent for Braddon Club development

Anyone passing the corner of Torrens, Cooyong and Donaldson streets, at the edge of Braddon across from Civic, on a weekday would likely notice the ad hoc accumulation of cars surrounding a deserted building. The unassuming appearance of the parcel of land belies the fact that it is subject to a legal battle, after the Canberra Raiders, backed by the ACT Planning and Land Authority, proposed a commercial-residential development, versus the North Canberra Community Council, which supports retaining the land for community use.

Grass idea so much greener for Braddon

A surface-level car park, or grassy, open space? That is the choice being debated for the area surrounding Northbourne Oval in Braddon. With increasing urban density and record hot summers, it seems obvious to me we should be seeking to reserve our pockets of green space in inner-city areas. Read Canberra Times article …

Clash of ideological positions for Rattenbury

Comments by Greens MLA Shane Rattenbury on the Canberra Raiders’ proposed development in Braddon raise a number of issues including the role of community councils and how the ACT government manages development applications from clubs in future. I normally do not comment on the development proposals of individual clubs but there are broader issues at stake because the Raiders’ development will not be the last time a club in the ACT seeks to redevelop land as a way of reducing reliance on poker machines. Read article …

Live Longer, Drive Safer

Do you have any concerns about driving as you get older? Renewing your licence? Maintaining your driving skills? Coping with disabilities? Come to a seminar (southside or northside) for senior drivers to pick up useful information, ask questions and discuss the issues.