North Canberra Community Council

AINSLIE Development Application: 201324499 Address: 25 CORROBOREE PARK Block: 7 Section: 8

Proposal: SINGLE RESIDENTIAL-DEMOLITION-ADDITIONS-GARAGE. Proposed demolition of existing carport, garage and pergola; single storey extension to the existing residence; construction of a new double garage. Period for representations closes: 13/12/2013   Click here to view the plans

O’CONNOR Development Application: 201324041 Address: 3 HAY STREET Block: 2 Section: 40

Proposal: MULTI RESIDENTIAL-DEMOLITION-9 NEW DWELLINGS-LEASE VARIATION. Proposed demolition of existing residence and associated structures; construction of one (1) three (3) bedroom residence and eight (8) one (1) bedroom loft style residences. Please see the application form for full lease variation details.  Period for representations closes: 06/12/2013 Click here to view the plans

LYNEHAM Development Application: 201324312 Address: 66 WATTLE STREET Block: 3 Section: 41

Proposal: COMMERCIAL-SERVICE STATION-DEMOLITION/REMEDIATION. Proposed demolition of building and canopy; removal of all underground fuel storage infrastructure including tanks and fuel lines; removal & remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soils.  Period for representations closes: 29/11/2013 Click here to view the plans

CAMPBELL Development Application: 201324419 Address: 10 CHOWNE STREET Block: 20 Section: 6

Proposal: SINGLE RESIDENTIAL-NEW DWELLING-DEMOLITION. Proposed demolition of existing residence; driveway and removal of existing regulated trees; Construction of a two (2) storey single residential dwelling with a secondary residence under the same roof line; swimming pool; new driveway; verge crossing and landscaping.  Period for representations closes: 25/11/2013 Click here to view the plans

CITY Development Application: 201324338 Address: NO ADDRESS Block: 13 Section: 94

Proposal: COMMERCIAL-ADDITION-UNLEASED TERRITORY LAND. Proposed construction of outdoor seating area on unleased Territory land adjacent to tenancy. Proposal includes loss of on street parking to provide platform decking over lay back parking bays.  Period for representations closes: 15/11/2013 Click here to view the plans