North Canberra Community Council

DICKSON Development Application: 201324098 Address: 32 STOCKDALE STREET Block: 82 Section: 4

Proposal: PUBLIC WORKS-DESIGN AND SITING-Trench/Underbore conduits to carry electrical services to unit complex and street lights. Conduits to follow perimiter of block on verge side down footpath alley way to Dooring street around corner ending at street light point on Stockdale street.  Period for representations closes: 06/11/2013 Click here to view the plans

CITY Development Application: 201324307 Address: 20 ALINGA STREET Block: 3 Section: 2

Proposal: MIXED USE-DEMOLITION-NEW BUILDING-14 NON RESIDENTIAL UNITS-191 RESIDENTIAL UNITS-LEASE VARIATION. Proposed demolition of the existing Eastern building, shop fronts and the Alinga connection bridge; Construction of a fifteen (15) level mixed use development comprising of ground level retail sites, three (3) levels of podium parking, one (1) basement parking, twelve (12) levels of apartments and associated works. Please see the application form for full Lease Variation details.  Period for representations closes: 11/11/2013 Click here to view the plans

Next Meeting – 16 October (includes AGM)

We will be holding our Annual General Meeting on 16 October 2013 at 7:30  at ACT Sport House, 100 Maitland Street in Hackett. The draft agenda for the meeting is included in this posting. We have invited three guest presenters. Greg Mews from the National Heart Foundation who will be speaking on integrated urban design and sustainable transport. Larissa Redmond and Chris Taylor from Team Telstra will be speaking on the north Canberra rollout of the National Broadband Network. Before the AGM takes place,the committee intends to propose a special resolution to discuss changes to the Constitution. The changes are in the draft agenda for discussion.

REID Development Application: 201324194 Address: 28 BOOROONDARA STREET Block: 1 Section: 35

Proposal: SINGLE RESIDENTIAL-HERITAGE-ADDITIONS-ALTERATIONS. Proposed additions and alterations to the existing dwelling including bedrooms, bathroom, laundry and link to the existing studio (former garage).  Period for representations closes: 04/10/2013 Click here to view the plans

DOWNER Development Application: 201324060 Address: 90 BLACKET STREET Block: 22 Section: 39

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING-DEMOLITION-16 UNITS-LEASE VARIATION-CONSOLIDATION. Proposed demolition of two existing dwellings; construction of two (2) double storey buildings comprising of sixteen (16) units and basement carparking; please see the application form for full Lease Variation details.  Period for representations closes: 11/10/2013 Click here to view the plans