North Canberra Community Council

TURNER Development Application: 201323694 Address: 4 HARTLEY STREET Block: 13 Section: 63

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING – DEMOLITION – LEASE VARIATION. Proposed demolition of existing residence and construction of 2 storey building containing 7 units, basement car parking and associated landscaping. Proposed removal of two existing trees. For lease variation please see Application Form. Period for representations closes: 17/06/2013 Click here to view the plans

BRADDON Development Application: 201222751 Address: 11 DONALDSON STREET Block: 6 Section: 30

Proposal: INDUSTRIAL-ADDITION-CARPARK. Proposed construction of regraded gravel surface car park for 170 car parking spaces, bollards, log barriers, entry boom gate, tree protection barriers for retained trees, removal of trees deemed unhealthy, new pedestrian entry and concrete disabled access from Torrens street. Period for representations closes: 11/06/2013 Click here to view the plans

Agenda/Next Meeting Wednesday 15 May 2013

North Canberra Community Council will be hosting Tony Gill, Director of Roads ACT at our forum this Wednesday May 15. Tony has been involved in discussions with many community organisations over the years in an attempt to improve traffic flow and safety in neighbourhoods across Canberra. If you think that there is a serious problem in your suburb which might require traffic calming measures or infrastructure improvements then come along and discuss this with us.