North Canberra Community Council

Search Results for: traffic

Majura Parkway – Recent Media and Comments

The ACT Government, including both the Labor Party and the Liberal Party, seem hell bent on persisting with planning for a new four-lane Majura Parkway rather than upgrading the existing two lane Majura Road, which is the route favoured by the NCCC and the ACT Greens. The only noise pollution being felt at the moment is endless political squabbling over who will pay what and when. Adding to the mix of public comments is the Gungahlin Community Council, which apparently favours construction of the more costly and environment-damaging Majura Parkway. Recent articles have been published in the Canberra Times and …

TURNER Development Application: 201119910 Address: NO ADDRESS Block: 5 Section: 3

Proposal: BLOCK IDENTIFIER ONLY – PUBLIC WORKS – INTERSECTION UPGRADE. Proposed upgrade to intersection of Barry Drive and Clunes Ross Street to include construction of additional turning lanes and relocation of traffic signals. Period for representations closes: 20/06/2011 Click here to view the plans »…

Canberra Pedestrian Forum comments on the Northbourne Avenue bus priority measures and Dickson major bus station feasibility study

Northbourne Avenue is dangerous and dysfunctional according to the Canberra Pedestrian Forum. It qualifies as a road danger Black Spot on the basis of pedestrian casualties alone, with at least three pedestrian deaths in the past five years between Macarthur Avenue Lake Burley Griffin. Unnecessary traffic signal delays and inappropriate lighting, together with long distances between bus stops and safe crossing points, all contribute to a high rate of dangerous crossings.

Plan leaves residents in the dark

The ACT Planning and Land Authority has finally released the long- awaited Dickson master plan, which will provide a radical transformation of the Dickson centre precinct. The plan, which was released to the public last Tuesday, includes provisions for two new supermarkets in the area and development for new buildings up to six storeys high. But the plan has attracted the ire of the Dickson Residents’ Group, who claim ACTPLA haven’t engaged properly with the community over the development of the plan. Dickson Residents’ Group convenor Marie Coleman said more detail was needed in the master plan, as the current …

'Fix My Street': report neighbourhood issues online to the ACT Government

Fix My Street is an online reporting facility which provides direct contact to ACT Government Agencies for the reporting of municipal service requests. Residents can submit service requests by choosing from the menu of topics (as listed below). In addition, residents can create an account on the system to track progress of the feedback provided. Web link for ‘Fix My Street’ Typical issues covered include:

Public Information and Workshop Session: Development of Kenny (18 May 2010)

The ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) has started planning for the new Gungahlin suburb of Kenny, where land release is scheduled to begin in 2012-13. The North Canberra Community Council believes this issue is of interest to North Canberra District residents and will directly impact our region as this new suburb will be directly opposite Watson on the other side of the Federal Highway. The NCCC waits with anticipation to discover whether ACTPLA actually intends to letterbox Watson residents to inform them of this public information session and workshop. You can directly contribute to Kenny’s planning by attending a …