North Canberra Community Council

3rd Up-Dated – Parties’ responses to 2012 ACT election questions put by the North Canberra Community Council

A number of questions have been put to the parties contesting the ACT election. As at 16 Oct 12, we have received responses only from the Labor (updated) and Greens parties. Further responses will be added, time permitting, as they are provided. Click to read questions and responses » …

TURNER Development Application: 201222484 Address: 71 MACLEAY STREET Block: 3 Section: 63

Proposal: Demolition of existing single dwelling, associated structures and driveway verge crossing. Proposed 2 storey multi-unit development, comprising 6 residential units, with basement car parking. Associated Landscaping. Works to verge including new driveway verge crossing. Lease Variation to allow a maximum of 6 residential units. Period for representations closes: 05/11/2012 Click here to view the plans

O’CONNOR evelopment Application: 201222257 Address: 8 MACPHERSON STREET Block: 1 Section: 45

Proposal: COMMERCIAL – The proposed development is for the erection of shade structures on the adjoining road verge area to facilitate outdoor eating area to service the existing pub. The shade structures are made of steel frame, timber clading and demountable sails . Period for representations closes: 23/10/2012 Click here to view the plans

O’CONNOR Development Application: 201222436 Address: 3 BAGOT STREET Block: 4 Section: 41

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING – DEMOLITION – LEASE VARIATION – 6 UNITS – Demolition of existing residence, lease variation to permit 6 dwelling units and construction of 6 units in a two storey building with basement for carparking. Period for representations closes: 31/10/2012 Click here to view the plans

O’CONNOR Development Application: 201222257 Address: 1 SARGOOD STREET Block: 1 Section: 45

Proposal: COMMERCIAL – The proposed development is for the erection of shade structures on the adjoining road verge area to facilitate outdoor eating area to service the existing pub. The shade structures are made of steel frame, timber clading and demountable sails . Period for representations closes: 23/10/2012 Click here to view the plans

CITY Development Application: 201222356 Address: 73 LONDON CIRCUIT Block: 18 Section: 1

Proposal: SIGNAGE – HERITAGE – Installation of under awning signs for the Canberra Osteopathy and Physiotherapy Clinic to be added to the soffit of the Melbourne Building pedestrian walkway, adjacent to the Canberra Osteopathy entrance. Period for representations closes: 23/10/2012 Click here to view the plans


North Canberra residents are invited to our final Election Forum at 7.30pm on Wednesday 17 October, at Pilgrim House, corner of Northbourne Ave. and Rudd St., Civic. All parties have been invited. Labor’s Simon Corbell, Greens’ Shane Rattenbury and Caroline Lecouteur and the Motorists Party’s David Cumbers have confirmed that they will attend. The Forum will be chaired by ABC radio presenter Louise Maher. Parties’ responses to our questions on governance, town planning, community consultation, the ABC flats redevelopment, transport and road safety can be viewed on our website

TURNER Development Application: 201222413 Address: 105 NORTHBOURNE AVENUE Block: 2 Section: 43

Proposal: SIGNAGE – RSM BIRD CAMERON. Proposed installation of an illuminated sign with LED changeable display near entry of the block, and installation of a non illuminated sign near the exit of the block. Period for representations closes: 12/10/2012 Click here to view the plans

WATSON Development Application: 201222466 Address: FLEMING STREET Block: 1 Section: 49

Proposal: COMMUNITY FACILITY – AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY – ADDITION. Proposed construction of a Paramedic Training Facility, consisting of a simulated residence to train existing paramedic students in residential evacuation techniques. Period for representations closes: 17/10/2012 Click here to view the plans