North Canberra Community Council

TURNER Development Application: 201222004 Address: 46 MACLEAY STREET Block: 20 Section: 46

Proposal: S144 AMENDMENT BEFORE DECISION – 1. Front setback of 6m achieved, courtyard walls & fences deleted. 2. Solar access diagrams for all units on floor plans. 3. Bin area & stair/lobby changed to allow egress to communal space. 4. Unit 9. floor area reduced to decrease overshadowing. 5. Roof over Second FL lowered. 6. Shadow diagrams amended to reflect changes. 7. Unit layouts amended to reflect changes. 8. Units 3,4,7,8 balconies changed to allow sun access. 9. Amended Site plan. 10. Amended Landscape plan. 11. Amended Tree protection plan with neigbours trees added. 12. Amended Elevations & Section to …

O’CONNOR Development Application: 201222437 Address: 4 HAY STREET Block: 9 Section: 41

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING – DEMOLITION – LEASE VARIATION – Demolition of exisitIng residence. Lease variation to allow 7 residential units. Construction of 7 two storey residntial units with basement carparking, landscaping and other site works. Period for representations closes: 16/10/2012 Click here to view the plans

Combined Community Councils of the ACT and PlanWise ACT – Pre-election Planning Forum for 2012

Legislative Assembly Reception Room 2-4pm 22 September Speakers Simon Corbell, MLA, Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development Caroline Le Couteur, MLA, planning spokesperson for the ACT Greens Is the ACT’s planning system in good shape? Come along and hear our speakers, there will be plenty of time for Q and A. Chaired by Dr Jenny Stewart Further info 0420 529 747 or

AGM 2012

We will be holding our Annual General Meeting a month early to avoid the ACT Election in October this year. As always, you are all welcome to attend. All committee positions are open for nomination. If you wish to nominate, please contact any of the committee members at who will send out a nomination form for you to complete. Our guest speaker this year will be Jane Goffman, of Planwise ACT. She will be speaking on her knowledge of ACT-wide planning matters and town planning. Some will already know Jane from her community activism in Dickson. Click for agenda