North Canberra Community Council

CITY Development Application: 201221894 Address: 30 SCOTTS CROSSING Block: 1 Section: 97

Proposal: COMMERCIAL – NEW SHOPFRONT & NEW SIGNAGES – The retail tenancy EG07/07b does not currently have a shopfront. Proposed new shopfront, including black aluminium bi-fold doors to enter the tenancy from the street and two non-illuminated hamper signs, for a new tenancy of a Mexican restaurant. Period for representations closes: 27/07/2012 Click here to view the plans

O’CONNOR Development Application: 201221573 Address: 16 BERRIGAN CRESCENT Block: 14 Section: 80

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING – LEASE VARIATION – DEMOLITION. Lease variation – Please see application form for details. Proposed demolition of two detached houses and the construction of a three storey building comprising of 16 residential units and basement carparking. Period for representations closes: 20/07/2012 Click here to view the plans

LYNEHAM Development Application: 201221887 Address: 145 GOODWIN STREET Block: 7 Section: 44

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING – DEMOLITION – 2 NEW DWELLINGS – LEASE VARIATION. Proposed demolition of existing two cottages and outbuildings; amalgamation of Blocks 7 & 8; and construction of 14 apartments within two storey building with basement garages. For lease variation please see Application Form. Period for representations closes: 16/07/2012 Click here to view the plans

have your say – Pialligo Master Plan

The ACT Government has been working with the Pialligo community to develop a draft master plan that outlines the values, proposed vision and directions for the future. Pialligo is unique with its rural character, Aboriginal heritage and interesting retail outlets such as nurseries and shops. Pialligo was also Canberra’s original food bowl.

NCCC Public Forum Wednesday 20 June

The North Canberra Community Council will host a public forum at 7.30pm on Wednesday 20 June, at ACT Sports House, 100 Maitland Street, Hackett. Chief Minister Katy Gallagher and the Labor Candidates for Molonglo will attend to talk about issues affecting North Canberra residents and to answer questions. This forum is the first of a pre-election series which will be sponsored by the NCCC. Cathy Hudson, Deputy Director of the Economic Development Directorate, will also provide an update on the Downer Centre redevelopment. All North Canberra residents are welcome.

Downer Centre Local Development

Downer residents are invited to view and comment on the revised draft plans for the development of the Downer local centre precinct. Residents can attend the following drop-in session: When: Wednesday 27 June 2012, 6:00pm to 8.30pm Where: Downer Community Centre. Letters of invitation will delivered to all Downer residents during the week beginning Monday 18 June 2012. More information is available at the ACT Government Downer Re-development website Telephone enquiries may be directed to Ross McKay on 0409 469 645 or Alison Abernethy 02 6207 5443.